Check audible alarm frequently to ensure that it is in good working order. 经常检查声音报警信号以确保其工作状态良好。
An optional stacked light system provides visual and audible alarms cautioning the operator about a potentially unsealed product. 一个可选的堆叠轻系统提供了视觉和声音报警提醒有关经营者的潜在启封的产品。
The smoke activated the fire alarm. 烟雾了触发了火警报警器。
When the alarm went off the thieves ran away. 报警器响了,窃贼吓跑了。
An incorrect or unreadable code causes the case packer to stop and activate an audible alarm. 不正确或无法读取代码的原因的情况下封隔器停止和启动声音警报。