- Auckland Islands Tealn. 奥岛鸭
- LCT has said it can limit risks by using tissues from piglets in a breeding line said to have been isolated from other pigs for over 150 years on the Auckland Islands. LCT组织称基于奥克兰岛的150年的养猪史,可以将用于移植的猪在饲养过程中与其它猪分离出来对,以限制使用猪细胞移植带来的危险。
- Other unique birds like the flightless Campbell Island teal and the tiny Campbell Island snipe had only survived eradication because they were removed from the island by environmentalists. 自从老鼠在这里安家后,原先生活在这里的海鸥的数目就迅速减少,岛上的珍稀动物金宝野鸭和小型金宝鹬更被迫迁移。
- The New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands consist of five island groups (the Snares, Bounty Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands and Campbell Island) in the Southern Ocean south-east of New Zealand. 新西兰次南极区群岛包括了新西兰南部和东南部海域的五个岛屿(斯内斯群岛,邦提群岛,安提波德斯群岛,奥克兰群岛以及坎贝尔岛)。
- Anas aucklandica [Auckland Island flightless teal; New Zealand brown teal; Campbell Island brown teal] 栗鸭坎贝尔岛亚种
- Mergus australis Auckland Island Merganser 奥克兰岛秋沙鸭
- Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. 海盗过去惯常把人们遗弃在荒岛。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。
- I'd buy an island if I had lots and lots of money. 果真我有许多许多钱,我就买一个小岛。
- Nobody has ever set foot on that island. 没有人曾经登上过那个岛屿。
- Is it possible to unify such scattered islands into a nation? 有可能把这样一些散落在大海上的岛屿统一成一个国家吗?
- He sailed the boat between the islands. 他驾驶著船在两岛之间航行。
- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一环小岛围绕著礁湖。
- This island is no longer a dependency of the USA. 这个小岛不再是美国的属地。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。
- The island is noted for its summer resort. 这个岛以避暑胜地而著称。
- The mountainous island loomed on the horizon. 那座巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上。
- The sovereignty of these islands is in dispute. 这些岛屿的主权有争执。
- Yes. Auckland is a city full of energy. 是啊,奥克兰是个充满活力的城市。
- Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA? 夏威夷群岛是美国的属地吗?