- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- She felt a strong attraction to him. 她感到他对她有强烈的吸引力。
- She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention. 她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。
- I wonder if modem life have any attraction for you? 不知现代生活对您是否有吸引力?
- The main attraction was a Charlie Chaplin film. 主要的吸引物是查理·卓别林的电影
- The television has little attraction for me. 电视对我没有什么吸引力。
- Do you feel any attraction for this book? 你感觉这书有什麽吸引力吗?
- He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter. 他打了个榧子招呼服务员。
- Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the. 强烈的性吸引或性欲。与the连用
- The chairperson clapped to attract our attention. 主席拍手以唤起我们的注意。
- The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推销员击鼓以吸引人群。
- The opposite poles of magnets attract each other. 磁体的相反两极相互吸引。
- We hope to inject new life into our business. 我们希望使我们的业务工作充满朝气。
- Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. 同性相斥,异性相吸。
- The attraction between an antigen and an antibody. 化合力抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引
- Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. 各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客。
- We hope to inject new interest into our work. 我们希望使我们的工作饶有趣味。
- Like charges repel each other, but opposite charges attract. 同种电荷互相排斥,但异种电荷却互相吸引。
- Establish proper injector and detector temprature. 给进样口和检测器设定恰当的温度。
- A barbecue party on the beach have great attraction for me. 海滩上举行烧烤餐会对我很有吸引力。