- Our fighter planes are all armed with cannon. 我们的战斗机都装备了机关炮。
- To attack with a cannon firing stone balls. 炮击用发射石弹的大炮攻击
- Now all the fighter planes are all armed with cannon. 现在所有的战斗机都装备了机关炮。
- To criticize or attack with vigor. 攻击严厉批评或猛烈攻击
- Ichigo catches grims attack with his bare hands. 一护空手接住了小葛的攻击。
- Play Shark attack with the children. 和小朋友玩鲨鱼的游戏。
- Attack with nails/tweezers if found. 有的话马上用指甲钳或者镊子对付它。
- To attack with blows; hit, beat, or whip. 痛打用拳击;击、打或抽
- To attack with bombs, shells, or missiles. 炮击用炮弹、烟火弹或导弹进行攻击
- To attack with the intention of subduing. 以征服的目的袭击
- Undermine with pawns and attack with pieces. 用兵削弱对方,并用其他棋子进攻对方。
- The MagnaGuard quickly morphs his ship into mech mode and blasts the enemy with cannon fire. 警卫机器人迅速把他的飞船变形成机械模式,然后用炮火轰击敌人。
- Try and carry out an attack with your torpedoes. 试一试实行一次你的鱼雷攻击。
- Always counter your opponent's attack with a strong return. 不论何时都要狠狠地回击对手的进攻。
- With cannons with lighted matches facing us. 在我们的前面,有许多大炮,引火绳子也点着了。
- They replied to the enemy's attack with heavy gunfire. 他们以猛烈的炮火对付敌人的攻击。
- He retaliated against these attacks with sarcasm. 他以讽刺回敬这些谴责。
- Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder. 在后期的游戏中可以拿来对抗敌人的炮灰。
- They had to meet the attack with very little ammunition. 他们不得不以极少的弹药应战。
- In Norway,the day begins with cannon fire -- ceremonial blasts are shot from the castle in Oslo and from other fortresses throughout the country. 在挪威,这一天是以鸣炮开始的--从奥斯陆的城堡,从全国各地的碉堡,鸣放礼炮。