- atrefic follicle 闭锁卵泡
- Note the lymphoid follicle at the right center. 右侧中央可见淋巴结。
- Fruit a follicle, achene, or drupe or drupaceous. 果蓇葖果,瘦果,或者核果或者具核果。
- The functionality follicle wasn't cicatrisation. 眼压较术前下降,功能性滤过泡无瘢痕化。
- Fruit a berry, drupe, capsule, or follicle. 果为浆果,核果,蒴果或者蓇葖果。
- Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels rostrate spine at base. 成熟心皮基部具喙状刺。
- Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle. 任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。
- The Effect of single Herb On Mouse Follicle Growth in vitro. 单味中药对体外培养毛囊生长影响的研究。
- Inflammation of a follicle,especially of a hair follicle. 毛囊炎小囊尤其是毛囊的炎症
- The mean number of ovules per follicle was 10.59,n=320. 每心皮的胚珠数目为10.;59(根据320个心皮中胚珠的平均数)。
- Sebaceous glands are special glands attached to the hair follicle. 皮脂腺的特殊腺体是毛囊。
- Sebaceous glands are attached to each hair follicle. 皮脂腺附着于每个毛囊上。
- Seeds 1 to many per follicle, usually with endosperm. 每蓇葖果1到很多种子,通常具胚乳。
- Seeds many in a follicle, compressed globose, smooth or reticulate. 在蓇葖果内的种子多数,扁球状,平滑的或网状。
- Inflammation of a follicle, especially of a hair follicle. 毛囊炎小囊尤其是毛囊的炎症
- Follicle dehiscent; mature carpels tappering to the base, apex papillate. 果开裂,成熟心皮向基部变狭,上部多疣。
- Affectingor growing out of a follicle or follicles. 影响滤泡或长出滤泡的。
- Make hair follicle of scalp more healthful and bright and elasticity with hair. 使头皮毛囊更加健康,发质更光亮有弹性。
- After approximately two weeks, on follicle ruptures and releases the ovum. 卵泡是环绕著未成熟卵子的结构。
- This lens can magnify the diameter of the hair follicle by ten times. 这个透镜能放大毛囊10倍。