- Sets a variable to a specified value as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式将变量设置为指定的值。
- Increments a specified variable and stores the result, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式递增指定变量的值并存储结果。
- If the atomic operation returns non-zero, an event is currently executing. 如果原子操作返回非零值,则当前有一个事件正在执行。
- Decrements a specified variable and stores the result, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式递减指定变量的值并存储结果。
- The compare and exchange operations are performed as an atomic operation. 比较和交换操作按原子操作执行。
- Increments the associated performance counter by one through an efficient atomic operation. 通过有效的原子操作使关联的性能计数器增加一。
- Adds two integers and replaces the first integer with the sum, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式,添加两个整数并用两者的和替换第一个整数。
- Class to increment or decrement a value and store the value in a single atomic operation. 类来递增或递减值并在单个原子操作中存储该值。
- Sets an object to a specified value and returns a reference to the original object, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式,将对象设置为指定的值并返回对原始对象的引用。
- Method, which allows a thread to signal one wait handle and immediately wait on another, as an atomic operation. 方法,该方法允许线程发送一个等待句柄信号,然后立即等待另一个等待句柄,如同原子操作一样。
- Resolves this problem by resetting the signal mask and putting the process to sleep in a single atomic operation. 通过重置信号掩码并使进程休眠一个单一的原子操作来解决这一问题。
- Decrements the associated performance counter by one through an efficient atomic operation. 通过有效的原子操作使关联的性能计数器减一。
- Increments or decrements the value of the associated performance counter by a specified amount through an efficient atomic operation. 通过有效的原子操作,使关联的性能计数器的值增加或减少指定的量。
- Sets a double-precision floating point number to a specified value and returns the original value, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式,将双精度浮点数设置为指定的值并返回原始值。
- Sets a single-precision floating point number to a specified value and returns the original value, as an atomic operation. 以原子操作的形式,将单精度浮点数设置为指定的值并返回原始值。
- To see how that works, we first must define what the atomic operations are. 为了明白它如何工作,我们首先必须定义什么是原子操作。
- Atomic implies indivisibility and irreducibility, so an atomic operation must be performed entirely or not performed at all. 这里“原子”的意思是看不见和不可分,因此原子操作要么必须全部做完,要么一点也不做。
- We discussed the implementation of the mechanism from data consistent and atomic operation, and analyzed the superiority of the mechanism compared with traditional log technology. 围绕数据一致性、原子操作机制分析了这个溢出保护机制的实现流程,比较了该机制与传统机制的优越性。
- Interlocked operations are simple atomic operations performed on a memory location by static methods of the. 类的静态方法对某个内存位置执行的简单原子操作。
- Here, we'll define two atomic operations: Executing a node and taking a transition. 这里,我们会定义两个原子操作:执行一个节点和获取一个转移。