- The soundness of his judgment has yet to be tested. 他的判断是否正确尚须验证。
- We expect top athletes to be moral paragons. 我们期望第一流的运动员都是道德高尚的楷模。
- The system will have to be tested before it goes into production. 这套装置必须经过试验之后才能投产。
- Let us show you the engine to be tested. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。
- Such claims need to be tested empirically. 这类断言需要实践来检验。
- PWnd Identifies the window to be tested. 标识了要测试的窗口。
- People like it to be tested and built in. 人们喜欢它被测试而且建造在。
- Kind and form of valves to be tested? 何种阀门要求被检测?
- The string to be tested for a match. 对其匹配测试的字符串。
- Welding bead have to be tested 100%by MT. 盘管组焊接成后焊口100%25磁粉探伤。
- Are these components waiting to be tested? 这些零件是在等着被检测吗?
- This also causes the most athletes to be unable to enter the arena the onlooking theatrical performance. 这也就使得多数运动员无法进场观看文艺表演。
- And the organization is urging all United States athletes to be aware of what they ingest. 美国奥会已提醒全体美国运动员注意饮食。
- The choice of tools depends on the requirements to be tested. 工具的选择取决于要测试的需求。
- Select the type of HTML to be tested (either Local or URL). 选择要测试的HTML的类型("本地"或"URL")。
- Point Specifies the client coordinates of the point to be tested. 指定了要被测试的点的客户区坐标。
- In some boxing competitions of cups and medals mania,for the sake of profitable purpose,some employers make athletes to be machines of gaining money. 拳击项目中的某些锦标主义比赛,有的老板为了营利目的,将运动员当成了赚钱机器。
- All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence. 一切不能忍受试验的,都不过是肉体的信心。
- In some boxing competitions of cups and medals mania, for the sake of profitable purpose, some employers make athletes to be machines of gaining money. 如:拳击项目中的某些锦标主义比赛,有的老板为了营利目的,将运动员当成了赚钱机器。
- All the parameters need to be tested synchronically. 在短周期涡轮试验中,需特别注意各测量参数的同步性。