- He emptied the cup at a draught. 他将杯中物一饮而尽。
- The child drank up the medicine at a draught. 这孩子一口就把药喝了。
- Why to feel the life has become tired suddenly at a draught? 为什么突然一下子觉得生活变得好累?
- Sitting, why to meet since the station at a draught giddy. ? 坐着,一下子站起为什么会头晕.?
- Abrupt one day, they feel changed, torrent upsurges at a draught in the heart. 忽然有一天,他们感觉到变了,心中一下子涌起激流。
- Crouch long the eye is abrupt after standing up at a draught completely black, whats cannot see, be anaemic symptom? 蹲久了站起来之后眼睛突然一下子全黑了,什么也看不到,是贫血的症状吗?
- Why I at a draught dizziness rises, feel auditive to the hunger that also listens is not so clear? What disease be? 为什么我一下子头晕起来,觉得耳朵也听的饿不是那么的清楚了?难道是什么病么?
- Why to have accession, the heart that I feel myself suddenly at a draught cool. Am I melancholia? 为什么有时侯,我突然感觉自己的心一下子就凉了。我是不是的忧郁症了?
- Very long did not cross such sensation, touch came really, got aphasia at a draught however. 很久没有过这样的感动,感动真的来了,却一下子得了失语症。
- I emptied it at a draught;and feeling broad awake after this internal cold aspersion, sat upright to make a cigarette. 我一口气喝完了它,冷水进入体内让我彻底醒来,我坐了起来,点燃一根烟。
- Call to mind the scene in airport meet again, pratt says: "I identify her at a draught. 忆及在机场重逢的情景,普拉特说:“我一下子就认出她来。
- In former days " have one's moment star " at a draught be reduced to poverty is " abjection noble " . 昔日的“走红明星”一下子沦落为“落魄贵族”。
- Recently, in Nanjing flowers content shedding center sees after breeding underwater hyacinth, citizen Miss Jiang spent 100 yuan to buy 4 at a draught. 近日,在南京花卉物流中心看到培育在水中的风信子后,市民蒋小姐一下子花100元买了4盆。
- A lot of a knot in one's heart grows at a draught on forehead recently, feel still some are prickled, what reason be? Should how purify? 最近额头上一下子长出好多疙瘩,摸上去还有些刺痛,是什么原因啊?该怎么去除?
- Till 1995 bottom, "Osculant cat " outback operator after making a decisive choice, the situation is able to change at a draught. 直到1995年底,“接吻猫”的内地经营者做出一个果断的抉择后,局面一下子得以改观。
- Why is the leg jerky? The leg smokes a muscle to come at a draught in the evening, painful dead, how is this to return a responsibility? 为什么腿会抽筋?晚上腿一下子就抽起筋来,痛死了,这是怎么回事呢?
- Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Doxepin taken at a draught at night plus Zishui Qinggan Decoction on depressive disorder. 目的:观察夜间顿服多虑平合滋水清肝饮治疗抑郁症的临床疗效。
- The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。
- The alcalde's son listens to this to praise a sentence, convert instantly two feet simultaneously hold up water, the result is to fall at a draught in sewage. 镇长的儿子一听这赞扬话,立即改用俩脚一齐撩水,结果是一下子摔在污水之中。