- He lived at the West Gate Shaoxing Zhejiang . 他住在浙江绍兴西门。
- The sanatorium looks down at the West Lake. 疗养院瞰西湖。
- A car was parked at the west end of the bridge. 一辆小车停在桥西头。
- At the west end, there was a raised platform. 在西面尽头的地方,有高起来的讲坛。
- He lived at the West Gate Shaoxing Zhejiang. 他住在浙江绍兴西门。
- The foreign tourists marvel at the fine view of the West Lake. 外国旅游者惊叹西湖的优美景色。
- He left the train at the West Station and went home on foot. 他在西客站下车,步行回了家。
- On the outward voyage the ship will call in at the west Indies. 在海外航行中,这艘轮船将在西印度群岛停靠。
- At the west lake, there are many similar folk tales and fables. 在西湖,类似的民间故事和传说还有很多。
- Chu is the fate of the West Wujiang Kingsay that at the time of ? 命运就是西楚霸王英雄末路自刎乌江时的那一声仰天长叹。
- At the time, the announcement receives little notice in the West. 那时候,这个宣告没有在西方引起多大关注。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- That new barman at the club really turns me on. 俱乐部那位新来的酒吧男招待员真让我有兴趣。
- I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral. 我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell. 我闻到那股难闻的味,皱起了鼻子。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。