- You should strike at the root of the evil. 你应该根除弊病。
- Our aim is to strike at the root of the custom. 我们的目的是要根除这一习俗。
- He's at the root of this business. 这件事的祸根是他。
- Inordinate desireis at the root of all evils. 无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。
- Class loader is at the root of this graph. 类别载入器是这个图的根。
- The Web. Config file at the root of the Web site. 网站的根目录下的Web.;config文件。
- It's my conviction (ie I firmly believe) that complacency is at the root of our troubles. 我深信自满情绪是我们各种问题的根源。
- We must get at the root of the matter. 我们必须查明事情的真相。
- We must get at the root of the problem. 我们必须找出问题的症结所在。
- The object at the root of the object graph. 位于对象图的根处的对象。
- Sets the object at the root of the object graph. 设置位于对象图的根处的对象。
- At the root of our relationship was a friendship. 不做恋人,我们还是朋友。
- Databases cannot be placed at the root of a volume. 不能将数据库放在卷的根目录。
- Inordinate desire is at the root of all evils. 无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。
- At the root of every significant philosophic. 每一门伟大的哲学理论的根源都存在着一种从人类真切需要理性的意义上来说合理的主题。
- Lack of ability is at the root of his dislike for sports. 他不喜欢体育运动的根本原因在于他没有技能。
- At the root of Don Quixote's madness is his idealism. 堂吉诃德疯狂的根源是他的理想主义,
- It's my conviction that complacency is at the root of our troubles. 我深信自满情绪是我们各种问题的根源.
- Contraband trade strikes at the root of legitimate government. 走私活动动摇合法政府的基
- Analyze the generated statistics file at the root of your device. 分析设备根目录下生成的统计信息文件。