- She does almost everything on an even keel. 她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳。
- It took him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife died. 他妻子死後很久他情绪才稳定下来。
- Things are now on more of a even keel weightwise. 从重量分布来说,行车更趋平稳。
- Things are going on an even keel. 一切都平稳地进展着。
- Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory. 参加晚祷并非硬性规定。
- Integers often must be located at even addresses? 为什么整数地址需要从偶数开始?
- With the ill-feeling between the clubs likely to be further inflamed next week, Chelsea's relationship with Everton, at least, is back on an even keel. 虽然这两个俱乐部间的不友好关系很可能在下周更加恶化,但切尔西跟埃弗顿的关系已经渐趋平稳。
- She frets at even the slightest delays. 稍有延误她就不满。
- She frets at even the slightest delays . 稍有延误她就不满。
- John spends his life trying to keep George on an even keel. 约翰这一辈子都在努力让乔治过上稳定的生活。
- Despite, or at times because of, such close attention, relations between the White House and its traveling press corps are seldom on an even keel for long. 尽管亲密如斯,有时恰恰因为如此,白宫与其随行新闻界人士的关系常常好景不长。
- It take him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife die. 妻子死后很久,他的情绪才稳定下来。
- We can learn to laugh a little at even our own weaknesses. 我们可以学会甚至对于自己的弱点也来一番自嘲。
- Facing up to your debts is the first step to getting back on an even keel. 面对你的债务是第一步找回重要支柱。
- Maichel,turning on the company put me and you at even greater risk. 迈克,跟公司作对会让你们和我冒更大的危险。
- The emergence of XDR-TB puts AIDS patients at even greater risk. 超抗型肺结核的突发更是将那些艾滋病人推向了深渊的边缘。
- Norma is a good influence on the rest of the staff because she keeps on an even keel no matter what happens. 诺马在其他职员中很有威信,因为她不论遇到什么事都能沉着冷静。
- I learnt conversational Spanish at evening classes. 我在夜校班学过西班牙语会话。
- She' s a regular attender at evening classes. 她上夜校一贯按时出席.
- Your mother said that you were at evening classes. 名师精解:对话中。