- Labor productivity is calculated by added value at current price. 社会劳动生产率按现价增加值计算。
- More money will bid for goods than there are goods available at current prices. 在现行的价格水平上,会有更多的货币追逐商品。
- Currant, current Currants used to be cheap fruit, but cooks use them sparingly at current prices. 葡萄干曾经是便宜的水果,但是由于当前的价格,厨师们少量地使用它们。
- The absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices while indicies are calculated at comparable prices. 本表绝对数按当年价计算,指数按可比价格计算。
- Note: Data of this table includes all gross output value of Industry at current prices. 注:本表为全部工业总产值,按当年价格计算。
- After rummaging in a drawer, he pulls out a troy-ounce bar, a sliver of a thing worth more than $900 at current prices. 在抽屉里翻了一阵后,他找出一个金衡制盎司金条,薄薄一片现今价值却超过900美元。
- The total output value created by various development zones of Beijing was 155.95 billion yuan,up 15.6 percent (at current price) over the previous year. 全年各类开发区共实现总产值1559.;5亿元,比上年增长15
- The LGA is now favouring more long term deals at current prices as they wait on prices for recovered materials to rise. 现在的客房有利于较长期的交易按目前价格计算,他们等待回收物料的价格上升。
- Value items in this table are calculated at current prices, while tempos are calculated at comparable prices. 本表绝对数按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。
- The total output value created by various development zones of Beijing was 155.95 billion yuan, up 15.6 percent (at current price) over the previous year. 全年各类开发区共实现总产值1559.;5亿元,比上年增长15
- The absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices, while the indices are calculated at comparable prices. 注:本表绝对数按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。
- Note: Growth rates of GDP and Value-added of Industry are calculated at constant prices, while others are calculated at current prices. 注:国内生产总值、工业增加值增长率按可比价计算,其他指标增长率按当年价计算。
- So if Beijing wants a lot slightly ideal point 80-100 m2 of housing and decoration, and building materials at current prices, at least remortgage million funding it. 故如果在北京要买一套地段稍理想点的80-100平方米的住房并装修,按目前的房价及建材,至少需要三四十万元的资金才行。
- It envisages a further package of economic, energy and humanitarian assistance to the value of some 950,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil (about $250m at current prices). 而且随后就到的是相当于95万吨的燃油(目前市值大约2亿5千万美元)的一揽子经济、能源和人道主义援助。
- Gold-backed Exchange Traded Funds, tracker funds that follow the underlying price, have accumulated429 tonnes of gold, worth$18 bn at current prices. 上述囤积的黄金中,近三分之二的数量是在过去三个月内新增的,当时金价涨幅已开始以25年来最快的步伐加速。
- Gold-backed Exchange Traded Funds, tracker funds that follow the underlying price, have accumulated 429 tonnes of gold, worth $18bn at current prices. 上述囤积的黄金中,近三分之二的数量是在过去三个月内新增的,当时金价涨幅已开始以25年来最快的步伐加速。
- Note: Data in terms of value in this table are calculated at current prices, while the related indices are caleulated at comparable prices. 注:本表绝对数按当年价计算,指数按可比价计算。
- Note: The absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices while the indices are calculated at comparable prices. 注:绝对数按当年价格计算,指数按可比价格计算。
- With utilities having been unwilling or unable to buy more coal at current prices, their stockpiles of fuel have fallen to unusually low levels. 由于电力公司不愿或无法以当前价格购买更多煤炭,他们的燃煤库存也降到了异乎寻常的低位。
- debenture convertible at current price 按市价兑换的债券