- At an appropriate time; opportunely. 适宜地在合适时间地;适宜地
- The manager promised to reveal his plan at an appropriate time. 这位经理保证在适当的时候公布他的计划。
- This problem must be dealt with by appropriate means at an appropriate time. 这个问题必须在适当的时候以适当的方式予以处理。
- In the long run, the public should consider this issue thoroughly and discuss it at an appropriate time. 长远而言,公众应该详细考虑这些问题,并在适当时候讨论。
- In either uphill or downhill, at an appropriate time to know how to stop himself, stopped to look back into the better. [不管是身处上坡还是下坡,适当的时候一定要懂得让自己停下来,驻足回望是为了更好的迈进。
- The bankrupt's estates, including stocks and bonds, will be liquidated at an appropriate time, the meeting said. 今后,其名下的股票、债券等破产财产将择机变现。
- We would also liaise with the Central Authorities at an appropriate time, to report on the progress made, and to reflect the views of the public. 我们也会在适当的时候与中央联系,讲述工作进度,反映港人看法。
- In conclusion, the Delegation said that the issue of access to knowledge was extremely important and should be discussed at an appropriate time. 总而言之,代表团表示知识共享问题是极其重要的,应该在适当的时间予以讨论。
- They talked with Gates about world economy and the defects of "Windows" operating system. At the same time, Bill Gates was invited to visit Quebec at an appropriate time. 话题涉及世界经济和“视窗”操作系统的缺点,同时比尔·盖茨还被邀请在合适的时侯访问魁北克。
- Power, real estate, chemical industry cycle may be the first strong recovery, investors at an appropriate time to intervene is likely to be significantly over the proceeds. 电力、地产、化工等强周期行业可能率先复苏,投资者在适当时机介入则可能获得明显超额收益。
- As the stock market all the way down similar to the natural bottom, at an appropriate time policy was also likely to be oversold bounce off the opportunity. 由于股市一路下挫近似自然探底,在适当的时候政策出台也可能成为引发超跌反弹的契机。
- The letter will be sent to WWF who will print them off and deliver them all by hand to the government at an appropriate time in the future. 本会将列印所有收集到的签名,并于适当时机亲身递交有关政府人士。
- Asia-Europe cooperation should remain an open and evolutionary process, and we should bring into ASEM countries that are able and willing to contribute to the ASEM process at an appropriate time. 我们要保持亚欧合作进程开放、渐进的特点,适时吸收有能力、有意愿作出贡献的国家加入亚欧会议。
- Is now an appropriate time to make a speech? 现在发表演讲是不是时候?
- At an appropriate moment I'll offer the visitors some coffee. 我会在恰当的时候给来宾提供咖啡。
- The passing of one year to the next is an appropriate time to look back at where we've been -- as well as to anticipate where we might be going. 在辞旧岁迎新年之际,正是回顾过去、展望未来的合适时机。
- The capacity of a lens to accumulate light at an appropriate aperture. 聚光率透镜在合适的镜径下聚光的能力。
- Penny, it's not an appropriate time to panic, to be braver and stronger, ok? 现在不是慌乱的时候,更坚强果敢一点好吗?
- The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount. 大银行同意按适当的折算率把小银行的贷款全买过来。
- Now would also be an appropriate time to strengthen the rich-country G7, which excludes Russia, at the expense of the G8, which includes it. 而现在也是时候付出把俄罗斯排除出G8的代价,加强G7的力量。