- Objects store information about an asynchronous operation. 对象存储有关异步操作的信息。
- This delegate is called at the start of an asynchronous operation. 此委托在异步操作开始时调用。
- Specifies an argument for an asynchronous operation. 指定异步操作的参数。
- Method retrieves partial results of an asynchronous operation. 方法检索异步操作的部分结果。
- Method to cancel asynchronous operations that have not completed. 方法取消尚未完成的异步操作。
- That receives the notification of the asynchronous operation completion. 将接收异步操作完成通知的。
- In IBM Series/1, a code that reflects the status of an asynchronous operation. 在ibmseries/1中,反映异步操作状态的一种代码。
- Optimal database mirroring performance is obtained using asynchronous operation. 使用异步操作可获得最佳的数据库镜像性能。
- Can the asynchronous operations that support cancellation support multiple pending operations? 支持取消的异步操作是否能支持多个挂起操作?
- It is frequently desirable for an asynchronous operation to report progress during its operation. 我们经常希望异步操作可以在其操作期间报告进度。
- Should be kept alive until the user calls the method that concludes the asynchronous operation. 应保持活动状态,直至用户调用结束异步操作的方法。
- Parameter to determine if the asynchronous operation successfully completed or if it was canceled. 参数来确定异步操作是已经成功完成,还是被取消了。
- If the asynchronous operation has not been completed, this function will block until the result is available. 如果尚未完成异步操作,此函数将阻塞,直至结果可用。
- Provides code examples that demonstrate the various ways applications can detect the end of an asynchronous operation. 提供代码示例,演示应用程序检测异步操作结束的各种方式。
- Sometimes an asynchronous operation can return incremental results prior to completion. 有时异步操作可以在完成之前返回增量结果。
- A database mirroring session runs with either synchronous or asynchronous operation. 数据库镜像会话以同步操作或异步操作运行。
- Method is the same type returned by its synchronous counterpart and is specific to the asynchronous operation. 方法的返回值与其同步副本的返回值类型相同,并且是特定于异步操作的。
- Unloads, the CLR waits until the asynchronous operation completes before freeing the pointer. 卸载,CLR将等待直至异步操作完成,然后才释放指针。
- The transaction manager doesn't support an asynchronous operation for this method. 事务管理器不支持这个方法的异步操作。
- Method returns immediately, but the asynchronous operation is not completed until the event handler is called. 方法立即返回,但直到调用事件处理程序时,异步操作才完成。