- 你所提到的那个人3年前离家外出,从此就没有他的消息了。The man you speak of went abroad three years ago and no news of him has since come.
- 前不久的一个晚上我和妻子在酒店时,我遇见了旧情人,我们3人在一起相处得极好。I was in a pub with my wife the other evening when I met an old flame and the three of us got on remarkably well together.
- 27减去3等于24。27 take away 3 leaves 24.
- 3个月前,汽车出事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet.
- 我仍不能决定买什么车,但我已选了3辆出来以便作最后的抉择。I still don't know which car to buy but I've got it down to a short list of three.
- 他有一份很好的工作,但要负担3个孩子,他的日子并不好过。He has a good job, but with three children his life is not a bed of roses.
- 10多年来这3个孩子一直靠他们的姥爷、姥姥养活。The three children have been sponging on their grandparent for over ten years.
- 他选出3个从来帮助做这事。He counted off three men to help with the job.
- 3是12的约数。3 is a submultiple of 12.
- 3个孩子交给我妈看管。My mother was left with three children.
- 这3只瓶一模一样。The three vases were as like as peas in a pod.
- 这车的后座可坐3个人。Three people can sit in the back of this car.
- 他坐了3年牢。He was in hock for three years.
- 他3岁时就双目失明了。He lost his sight at the age of three.
- 我本来安排好了我们度假回家后的购物计划,但是火车晚点3小时,把我的计划全搅乱了。I had arranged to do the shopping when we got back from our holiday, but my plans went haywire when the train was three hours late.
- 整个厂3个月就盖起来了。The entire plant was set up in three months.
- 每两行树苗间隔3米。There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings.
- 他正在服3个月的缓刑。He is on three months' probation.
- 我本来安排好了我们度假回家后的购物计划,但飞机晚点了3个小时,把我的计划全搅乱了。I had arranged to go shopping when we got back from our holiday, but my plans went further when the plane was three hours late.
- 小幼树(高3-10英尺)small sapling