- There are big errors in the astronomical observations for testing GR. 笔者将讨论一种新引力理论的方案。
- The error in azimuth must be controlled by astronomical observations for azimuth(and longit ude). 方位误差必须观测天文方位角(及经度)来控制。
- The earliest astronomical observations are attributed, by a tradition which has much appearance of truth, to the shepherds of Chaldea. 根据很可能是真实的传说,最早的天文观测要归功于迦勒底的牧羊人。
- Ideally, one would like to check MOND using physics experiments as well as astronomical observations. 理想上,除了天文观测之外,我们还希望能够以物理实验来检验MOND。
- The earliest astronomical observations are attributed,by a tradition which has much appearance of truth,to the shepherds of Chaldea. 根据很可能是真实的传说,最早的天文观测要归功于迦勒底的牧羊人。
- A number of astronomical observations and experimental result were known to Newton when he first tried to understand the dynamics of bodies. 当牛顿首先试图去了解天体的力学问题时,他已经知道了许多天文的观测及实验结果。
- The energy densities of dark matter and dark energy, as measured from the CMB, are in striking accord with these astronomical observations. 从CMB量到的暗物质和暗能量的能量密度,与这些天文观测的结果极度吻合。
- The gravitational field equations foreseeable galaxies separatist movement, later astronomical observations of this galaxy separatist movement. 从引力场方程可预见星系分离运动,后来的天文观测到这种星系分离运动。
- Astronomical observation and theory provide some general clues. 天文观测和理论提供了几条一般性的线索。
- Dewar is an important component of the astronomical observation. 摘要杜瓦瓶是天文观测中重要的终端设备部件。
- Recent astronomical observations show that only about 5% of the Universe were made of the baryonic matter which we understand, about 25% were dark matter, and the rest 70% were dark energy. 近年来的天文观测表明,宇宙中只有约5%25的物质是我们所了解的重子物质,其余约25%25是暗物质,约70%25是暗能量。
- It will be of great importance in fields such as astronomical observation and longrange navigation. 这在一些领域,如天文观测、远航等,具有十分重要的意义。
- Brahe:Danish astronomer whose accurate astronomical observations formed the basis for Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion. 布雷赫:丹麦天文学家,其精确观测构成了关于天体运动的约翰尼斯·克普勒定律的基
- Mackie concluded that ancient people probably built the ledge as an astronomical observation platform. 麦凯断定,古人筑起这个凸岩大概是为了作天文观测台用的。
- Cerro Paranal, in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is considered one of the best astronomical observing sites in the world. 帕拉纳尔山位于智利的阿塔卡马沙漠地区,公认世界上最好的天文观测区域之一。
- The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying supernovae and X-ray emissions from active galactic nuclei. 天文学观察很好地支持了宇宙中黑洞存在,特别从研究来自活跃的银河核心超新星和X光辐射。
- Moon's perfect vacuum, the weak magnetic field environment suits the construction astronomical observation and the base which observes to the place. 月球的高真空、弱磁场环境十分适合建设天文观测和对地观测的基地。
- This year marks the "International Year of Astronomy" as well as the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first astronomical observation through a telescope. 今年是“国际天文年”,也是伽利略首次使用望远镜观测天体400周年。
- The total precipitable water in atmosphere is one of the most important parameters in astronomical observation and meteorology. 大气总水汽量是天文观测和气象科学领域最为重要的参量之一。
- Especially for astronomical observation of a faint object, the wavefront sensor can not sample its light.In this case, the laser guide stars are very important. 特别是在观测天文暗目标时,其自身的 光强度不能为波前探测提供信息,激光引导星就显得非常重要。