- asterion fontanelle 星状囟
- asterion fontanel 星状囟
- Le Fontanelle Hotel : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- Palm-hitting, the anterior fontanelle of the vertex and Baihui. 掌击法常用于头顶前囟与百会。
- Preferably without a fontanel although a small one is allowed. 尽管允许有较小的头洞,但最好没有。
- "Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull (see fontanel). 不动关节包括了头颅的骨缝。
- If the long-term malnutrition baby malnutrition, excessive weight, will also appear before the fontanelle depression. 营养不良如果宝宝长期营养不良、过度消瘦,前囟门也会出现凹陷。
- Baby's head, there is not a piece of bone coverage, also appeared to hop hop, this is the fontanelle. 宝宝的头顶上,有一块没有骨头覆盖,看上去还一跳一跳的地方,这就是囟门。
- It will also give the baby too much calcium fontanelle closed prematurely, the baby may limit brain development. 补钙过多也可使婴儿囟门过早闭合,有可能限制宝宝脑发育。
- Points on the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. 小儿囟门未闭合时,头顶部腧穴一般不宜针刺。
- It is single-hole and the main road which led to North Fontanel in Ming Dynasty. 单孔,是明代通往北天门的主要干道。
- The length of lines linking root of styloid to the structures under lateral skull base and asterion to the structures in posterior cranial fossa and the angles between these lines and median vector were measured in 40 cranium. 方法 :通过测量 4 0例颅骨 ,确定茎突根部至侧颅底、星点至颅后窝各孔裂间连线的长度和各连线与正中矢状面所成角度。
- The sunken fontanel usually due to the depletion of body fluid caused by vomiting and/or diarrhea[4]. 1.;4“/”斜线号(virgule or slant)如: 囟门突然凹陷常由于吐泻伤津。
- The presence of an open fontanelle should never be considered as diagnostic of hydrocephalus because it may occur as a normal variant in otherwise healthy dogs. 当然,囟门闭锁不全的现象并不能当作诊断的依据,因为很多相同现象的动物并没有水脑症的现象。
- The Chinese nation real estate not only slightly has at the exhibition captures, these fontanel shop's deal situation was also good. 华邦地产不仅在展会略有斩获,这几天门店的成交情况也不错。
- Baby born after the stagnation of the growth, development of backward fontanelle delayed closure, for the performance of mental retardation, deaf, physically small, and so on. 宝宝出生后生长停滞,发育落后,囟门延迟闭合,表现为智力低下、聋哑、身体矮小等。
- On this week, enters the second trial “the fontanel city tube” with to start “the Nanyang net police” controversial but to, makes one look askance hand in hand. 在本周,进入二审的“天门城管”与开始引起争议的“南阳网警”联袂而至,令人侧目。
- In cases where the posterior fontanel is identified, the division between the natural ostium and the fontanel should be resected to allow free communication between the two. 如果确定有前卤存在,应该将前卤和上颌窦口之间的间隔切除,使两者相通。
- Babies born with congenital rickets, not only before the top of head, but also after the skull, the middle of a suture (sagittal suture) has a wide, before and after the two fontanelle connectivity. 先天性佝偻病宝宝出生后,不但前囟大,而且后囟也大,正中的一条骨缝(矢状缝)也较宽,将前后两个囟门连通。
- Ushnisha, the Enlightenment Elevation above the fontanelle; is the flame-topped elevation on the head of the Buddha, defined as that which emerges from the head of a Fully Enlightened One. 佛顶髻,启迪上升到囟门之上,是佛陀头顶上升的火焰,定义为是从一位完全的觉悟者头顶上而来。