- assign each persona task 分配每人一件工作
- The teacher haa assign each of us a holiday task. 教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作。
- The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task. 教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作。
- The boss assigns each of us a task. 老板给我们每个人分配了一份工作。
- For example, you might assign each order a unique order number. 例如,可能会为每个订单分配一个唯一的订单号。
- Assign each group its own set of Physical Disk resources. 为每组分配各自的物理磁盘资源集。
- The teacher assigned each of the children a different task. 老师给每个儿童都布置了不同的作业。
- Choosing the primary persona is a process of elimination: Each persona must be tested by comparing the goals of that persona against goals of the others. 选择首要人物角色是一个排除的过程,每个人物角色必须通过将其目标与其他人物角色的目标进行比较来测试。
- By identifying the logical connections between each persona’s behaviors, you can begin to infer the goals that lead to those behaviors. 通过识别每一个人物角色行为的逻辑关联,你开始得到产生这些行为的目标。
- We have also found it useful to create photographic collages for each persona to convey more emotional and experiential forces that drive the persona (see Figure 5-5). 我们也发现,为每个人物角色创建照片拼贴画更加有效果,可以传递更加情感化的信息,并且较容易表现人物角色的经验(参见图5-5)。
- Goals are the most critical detail to synthesize from your interviews and observations of behaviors. Goals are best derived from an analysis of the behavior patterns comprising each persona. 目标是从访谈和行为观察中综合出最关键的细节,最好通过分析包含每一个人物角色的行为组来推导出。
- The MIDI standard provides for 16 channels.You can assign each channel to a specific synthesizer or synthesizer voice. MIDI标准提供16个声道,你可以为每一个声道设置一个特别的合成器或合成器声音。
- Certification authorities assign each certificate they issue a unique serial number. 证书颁发机构将为其颁发的每个证书分配唯一的序列号。
- Eventually I ll assign each of these sets a unique number to turn it into a state. 最后,我将给这些集合中的每一个分配唯一的号码以将其转成一种状态。
- You can infer goals both by observing actions (what interview subjects in each persona cluster are trying to accomplish and why) and by analyzing subject responses to goal-oriented interview questions (see Chapter 4). 你能够通过观察行动(在每个人物角色聚集中访谈主体企图完成的事情及其原因)和分析访谈主体对目标导向的问题的回答来推导目标(参见第4章)。
- It's one of the preconditions to explore the employee's capability to assign each employee a proper post. "给员工分配合适的岗位,是发挥员工才能的前提"
- Assign each employee a personal access level to allow or disallow the employee to access certain information. 分配每个员工个人的存取层级,以允许或拒绝雇员获得的某些信息。
- Latham coded his system to allow him to choose up to five parents and assign each parent varying weights of inheritability. 拉萨姆对他的系统进行编码,让他可以选择多达五个父母,给每个父母分配不同的可遗传权重。
- Eliminating such things as beards and hair - and the system initially did fairly well, learning which gender to assign each image just on the basis of visual cues. 这些影像只包括眼、鼻、口,删除了胡子和头发等,系统最初做得相当好,仅在视觉提示的基础上就认准了每个影像的性别。
- Assigns each term a weight, and then finds the matches. 执行以下操作,并为每个字词分配权重,再查找匹配项。