- As a system innovation in financial institutions, Asset Management Corporation (AMC)is one of the hot issues on finance at present. 本文针对我国当前金融热点问题之一的金融资产管理公司,从理论和实证的角度,系统地对这一金融机构的制度创新进行审视和研究。
- This thesis try to introduce the operation process of Asset Management Corporation and based the background information, to discuss the realistic significance of Asset Securitization in China. 本文试图全面介绍资产管理公司的运作过程,并进而探讨资产证券化在我国的现实意义。
- Set up in 1999, the Asset Management Corporation of Great Wall, Cinda, Huarong, Dongfang had acquisition the bad assets of Chinese national commercial banks. 我国在1999年成立了长城、信达、华融、东方四家资产管理公司,分别接收了中国农业银行、中国建设银行和国家开发银行、中国工商银行、中国银行所剥离的不良资产。
- financial asset management corporation 金融资产管理公司
- The discounted rate will be opposite to the biding price offer by the Assets Management Corporation. 折价率高低与资产管理公司出价成反比。
- According to the insiders, the Great Wall Asset Management Corporation's auction of bad assets disposal activities is to have a maximum holding of national assets, a useful attempt to reduce losses. 业内人士认为,长城资产管理公司此次实施的不良资产处置拍卖活动,是为了最大限度地保全国有资产、减少损失的一次有益尝试。
- The four financial asset management corporations should be reformed into true companies.And the four major commercial banks should be remodeled into financial holding companies. 同时提出应公司化改制四大金融资产管理公司,并将其与四大国有商业银行重组为金融控股公司。
- U.S.Federal Reserve announced yesterday, has already begun through the Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, PIMCO and Wellington Asset Management Corporation, bought the issue of mortgage assets. 金融界股票美国联邦储备局昨日宣布,已开始透过黑石、高盛、PIMCO及威灵顿资产管理公司,买入问题按揭资产。
- Treatment of Badness Asset of Asset Management Corporation 谈资产管理公司不良资产处置问题
- This paper first analyzes the necessity of information by Asset Management Corporations (AMC),and then it discusses some worries about the public disclosure of information and corresponding solutions. 本文首先分析金融资产管理公司(AMC)信息公开披露的必要性,其次探讨AMC信息公开披露的疑虑与化解。
- The four asset management corporations are now under the pressure of cash flow, and BIS believes that the capital chain is not appropriate. People are wondering whether they can achieve the goal in 10 years and what prospects they will have after that. 四大资产管理公司面临着严重的现金流压力,其资金链亦受到国际清算银行的质疑,能否在规定的10年期限内顺利达成目标,达成目标后又会面临什么样的发展前景,能否找到出路,已成为人们关心的热点问题。
- In order to dispose of the non-performing loan (NPL), the Chinese government set up one after another four state-owned asset management corporations (AMCs) in 1999, which are Cinda, Great Wall. 为解决银行不良资产比率过高、企业负债率过高,但银行、企业竞争力低的问题,我国于1999年相继成立了信达、长城、东方、华融四家金融资产管理公司。
- In order to handle bad loans of the four state-owned commercial banks, four AMCs (Assets Management Corporation),namely XINDA,HUARONG,DONGFANG and CHANGCHENG,were established in succession since April, 1999 in our country. 为了处理四大国有商业银行的不良贷款,我国从1999年4月开始相继成立了信达、华融、东方和长城四家资产管理公司(AMC)。
- The third part proposes the working principles and procedures of Asset Management Corporations in China in five facets by studying the practice in west countries and native circumstances. 第三部分根据对国外经验的研究,结合我国实际情况,从五个方面论述了我国资产管理公司运作过程中的原则和步骤;
- The Principle of Asset Management Corporation Disposal Non-Performance Loans 金融资产管理公司处置不良资产应遵循的原则
- On the Asset-backed Securities of the Finance Asset Management Corporation 论金融资产管理公司的资产证券化
- Perception into the Scheduled Target for Asset Management Corporation 金融资产管理公司目标考核责任制透视
- On the Non-state Status of Financial Asset Management Corporation in China 论我国金融资产管理公司民营化
- FAMC (Financial Asset Management Corporations) 金融资产管理公司