- The layout is under examination and approval. 规划正在审批中。
- Other documents required by the examination and approval authority. 审批机构规定的其他文件。
- The application is subject to our examination and approval. 申请有待本行审批。
- The auction has been done and been waiting for the examination and approval. 项目前期工作:拍卖方案已做完,待审批。
- The examination and approval organ shall give explanations to those disproved. 审批机关对不批准正式设立的,应当说明理由。
- After examination and approval by competent taxation authorities, asset loss of enterprises may be deducted from the current calculation of enterprises' income tax. 一、企业发生的财产损失,经税务机关审查批准后,可准予在发生当期计算缴纳企业所得税时扣除。
- TEDA is simplifying items of administrative examination and approval. 天津开发区正在大力精简行政审批项目。
- Criminal punishment will be reported to the high commissioners for examination and approval. 对犯罪者的处罚,都要经过驻藏大臣审批。
- Administrative procedures for examination and approval were rectified and reduced. 清理和减少了行政审批事项。
- To abolish the examination and approval items concerning "down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade". 取消“边境易货项下支付定金或贸易从属费”的审批项目。
- The Chinese government has submitted the Treaty to the NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval. 中国政府已将条约提交全国人大常委会审议批准。
- Chapter II Registration for exploration of mineral resources and examination and approval of mining. 第二章矿产资源勘查的登记和开采的审批。
- The transformation of government functions requires that we reform the system of administrative examination and approval. 转变政府职能,必须改革行政审批制度。
- Who are responsible for the examination and approval of setting up a resident representative office? 常驻代表机构的设立审批机关是谁?
- It requires only the approval by the examination and approval authority, while it provides no test for making decision. 只要求审批机关批准,而没有规定批准与否需要掌握的标准。
- According to the demand of the WTO, simplify financial examination and approval procedures. 适应世贸组织的要求,精简财政审批手续。
- The establishment of branches must be made under the examination and approval of the People's Bank of China. 设立分支机构必须经中国人民银行审查批准。
- The examination and approval of PAs is not strict enough to ensure the allocation of investment and fund. 保护区审批把关不严,不能确保投资和资金到位。
- In case of non-approval of the transfer, the examination and approval administration organ should explain the reasons. 不准转让的,审批管理机关应当说明理由。
- This report has been examined and approved by the leadership. 这份报告已经领导审批。