- French Assessor System is the result coming from the reform of the transplanted July System of Great Britain. 法国的参审制是对移植于英国的陪审团制进行改造后的结果。
- France is the originate land of the criminal assessor system and the system has a long history. 法国是刑事参审制度的发源地,参审制度源远流长。
- It doesn’t deny the political value.Part courts have tried to practize the experts’ assessor system and got a good end. 在司法实践中,已经有部分法院尝试邀请专家作为陪审员,并取得了良好的效果。
- In specific, related questions of people's assessor system including qualification, responsibility, management, supervision and public summons, should be legislatively cleared. 具体而言,需要从立法上进一步明确人民陪审员制度的相关问题,从任职资格、职权、管理、监督与公示等几方面完善人民陪审员制度。
- People's assessor system is that absorbs the assessorinto the judicial authorities to supervise the trial work independently to guaranteejustice and perform duties honestly. 人民陪审制度就是让人民陪审员进入到国家审判机关内部对其审判工作进行独立有效的监督制约,为司法公正廉洁提供有力保障。
- Such knowledge is the premise and the foundation for the people's assessor to be competent for their job.Meanwhile it also affects the value and function of the assessor system. 人民陪审员的法律素质是陪审员胜任陪审工作的前提和基础,人民陪审员的法律素质关涉陪审制度价值的实现和功能的发挥。
- Going through weighing the ideas of value of the system as long as one hundred years,France has formed eventually the assessor system which has its features and accords with the countries situations. 在经历了长达百年的价值理念权衡的基础上,法国最终形成了独具特色的符合本国实际的参审制度。
- French assessor system is normal and strict in operation and plays an important role in criminal judicial practice.It has significant hint meaning to the reform of our countries assessor system. 当代法国的刑事参审制度操作规范、严谨,在刑事司法实践中发挥着重要的作用,对于我国陪审制度的改革具有重大的启示意义。
- Sources of people's assessor system in China were legal regulations of revolutionary bases in Revolutionary War Period and civil procedural theories and judicial practice of former Soviet Union. 我国现代人民陪审制度来源于革命战争时期根据地的有关法律规定以及前苏联的民事诉讼理论和审判实践。
- In this paper, while analyzing the formation and the historical development of the Chinese assessor system, the author makes comparisons both of the common ground and of the obvious differences. 在本文中,笔者分析了陪审制度的形成以及我国人民陪审制度历史演变过程,并从这种分析中比较了陪审团制度与人民陪审制度的相同之处和明显的区别。
- Reflects on People's Assessor System 完善人民陪审员制度的理性思考
- The writer thinks its main value should be Oriented in dividing the judicial power, upon which some legislative advice for improving China"s assessor system of the people will be given . 文章认为我国陪审制度的价值应定位于分割审判权,实现“以权制权”。并在此基础上提出了完善我国陪审制度的几条立法建议。
- In the first part , several relative concepts will be defined while jury system, assessor system and assessor system of the people should be discriminated between each other conceptualy. 全文共分五个部分:第一部分对本文将要使用的几个概念予以界定,尽可能将陪审团制、参审制、人民陪审制几个事物从概念上进行区分。
- People's assessor system, as an important part of the judicial system, has forced the realization and maintenance of judicatory democracy and democratic surveillance due to its multi-value nature. 人民陪审制度作为我国一项重要的司法制度,因其自身承载的多重价值而使其在实现司法民主、保证司法公正、实现民主监督等方面,起到了很大的推动作用。
- The people's assessor system does not distinguish the fact justice from law justice, whereas the collegiate bench, constituted by people's assessors and professional judges, try all the cases. 我国的人民陪审员制度,没有区分事实审和法律审,而是由人民陪审员与职业法官共同组成合议庭审判案件,这就要求人民陪审员要具备一定的法律素质。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。