- I am writing to requesta copy of the full set of assembly directions for the model. 我想索取有关组装模型的具体操作资料。
- Assembly directives are commands to the assembler. Directives are case insensitive. 编译指令是编译器的命令。
- Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- Robots are replacing people on assembly lines. 机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人。
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。
- The head teacher told the school at assembly. 校长在全校学生大会上讲话。
- A legislative assembly is being held. 一个有关立法的会议正在召开。
- Are we going in the right direction? 我们走的方向对吗?
- People have the rights of assembly and expression. 人们有集会和发表言论的权利。
- This is an assembler directive, telling the assembler to use 80386 instruction set. 这是一个汇编伪指令,它告诉汇编程序用80386的指令集。
- Stones were flying about in every direction. 石块朝四面八方乱飞。
- Local assembly will help sale to some extent. 在当地组装将在某种程度上促进产品销售。
- An assembler directive that specifies that what follows should be allotted storage space for one computer word, in some assemblers. 某些汇编程序中使用的一种汇编说明,它规定了应给在此之后的部分分配一个计算机字的存储空间。
- He pointed vaguelyin my direction. 他粗略地朝我的方向指了指。
- This part of the assembly process is now fully automated. 装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的。
- The play came to life under his direction. 在他的导演下,这出戏演得活龙活现。
- The former president addressed a large assembly. 前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。
- Which direction does your room face? 你的房间面向哪个方向?
- The ship launched in the direction of Japan. 船起航前往日本。