- assembling mould design 组合设计
- Participate in the confirmation of mould design. 参与模具结构设计的确认。
- R. G. W. Pye, “Injection mould design”, Senior Editor, (1980). 张荣语,“射出成型模具设计”,高立图书有限公司,(1995)。
- Key works: mould design; 3D design; mould making; CNC Machine; NC code. 关键词:模具设计;3D实体设计;模具制造;数控机床;NC代码。
- To discuss with the customers on technical aspects in product development and mould design. 和客户讨论有关产品发展和模具设计的技术问题。
- Excellent mechanical understanding related to injection and stamping mould design. 注塑,冲压模具设计方面优秀的领悟能力。
- This paper emphatically introduces injection mould design of flagpole coor and CAD/CAM process of its mould parts. 本文着重介绍插旗杆座的注塑模设计及模具零件的CAD/CAM过程。
- Shangyu PL Mould Co., Ltd. is a specialized factory in the mould design and finished plastic products manufacturing. 上虞佩尔泰克模具有限公司是一家专业从事塑料模具设计和制造及塑料成塑制品生产的企业,占地面积约20000平米。
- Excellent mechanical understanding related to injection, stamping mould design, die-casting or plating. 熟悉注塑,冲压模具,压铸或者电镀任一领域知识。
- M~nuf~ctu~The mould design and the steel shell cast are the primary steps in themanufacture. 排气道钢壳的加工主要包括模具的设计和铸造加工两部分。 由
- Over one year Plastic Mould Design experience and plastic products construction audit experience. 有一年以上塑胶模具设计经验和塑胶制品结构审查的经验;
- The tribological problem was discussed for the mould design by invalidation analysis of mould. 通过模具的失效分析,讨论了模具设计中的摩擦学问题。
- We have a passel expert engineer on machinery electricity, mould design and product develop. 丰富的经验和良好的信誉赢得了国内外客户的一致好评。
- Craftsmanship: With special spiral-knitting technology and superior mould design,PE coat will never break when curved. 工艺:特有旋勾编织穿引技术,优化的模具设计,确保产品生产时弯曲处无破裂痕。
- College degree or above, major in mechanical manufacturing, electric repairing, mould design or similar major will be preferred. 大专学历或以上,优先录用的专业为机械制造、电器维修、模具设计或相近专业。
- Molding products are indispensable to mould, and their precisions and qualities are determined by the qualities of mould design and manufacture. 注塑制品的成型离不开模具,而模具的设计制造质量又决定着注塑制品的精度与质量。
- In the part of detachment and assembly experimentation of mould and die, students can detach and assembly mould and die by themselves in the emulation environment. 实验操作是让学生在计算机的仿真实验环境中进行模具装拆练习;分"装配"与"拆卸"两部分.
- It discussed the poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) from the product design, the mould design,the determination and control of technological parameters. 从注塑成型制品设计、模具设计、成型工艺参数的选择与控制等方面对聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF) 进行了讨论;
- The appearance of the CAE technology offered a new way for optimizing the mould design and for ensuring the mould's op... 从技术及应用角度出发,系统地介绍了塑料模CAE技术的概况、内涵及发展趋势。
- Engaged in precision metal, plastic products and mould design and production of external wire walking, sparks machine, Fast thread cutting. 从事精密五金、塑胶产品模具设计和制作及对外慢走丝,火花机,快走丝线切割加工。