- aspergiUus candidum 白曲霉
- Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Dendrobium candidum Wall. ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Melastoma candidum and M. 野牡丹和地稔的离体培养和植株再生。
- The feed yeast was produced by the ferment Geotrichum candidum AS 2. 研究了以红麻亚铵法制浆废液为原料生产饲料酵母的可行性。
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum) having white, bell-shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- Objective:To investigate the diversities of polysaccharides content of Dendrobium candidum and its test-tube culture. 目的比较铁皮石斛试管培养物与原药材的多糖含量。
- Health-care products which take Dendrobium candidum as the primary material had been developed. 并制定了人工栽培规范化种植规程。
- Objective To provide the evidence of identification for correctly using the Chinese herb Melastoma candidum D. 目的通过对野牡丹全草进行生药学的研究,为正确用药提供鉴别依据。
- The non-alcoholic beverage is produced by use of aroma-producing strains of Geotrichum candidum. 以产香白地霉菌株发酵麦芽汁制得无醇绿啤饮料。
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum) having white,bell-shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- AspergiUus spp. 曲霉
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum)having white,bell - shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- Results showed that some dyes, especially bromophenol blue, could be decolorized effectively by Geotrichum candidum Y1 in opening static system. 实验结果表明:白地霉能在开放静置条件下对部分染料进行有效的脱色,对溴酚蓝尤其有效。
- Abstract : To study the effects of water extract from different Organic Matter on growth of regenerated shoots from Dendrobium candidum Wall. ex Lindl. 摘要 : 研究不同有机物浸提液对铁皮石斛试管苗生长的影响。
- The experimental results indicated that geotrichum candidum was an ideal microbe species which could produce 18.6% protein content after fermentation. 试验结果表明,白地霉对丢糟的转化较为理想,发酵后可使蛋白质含量高达18.;6%25。
- The experimental results indicated that geotrichum candidum was an ideal microbe species which could produce 18.6 % protein content after fermentation. 试验结果表明,白地霉对丢糟的转化较为理想,发酵后可使蛋白质含量高达18.;6 %25。
- The key factor that affects the successful transplanting of Dendrobium candidum plantlets was the process of acclimatization. 摘要铁皮石斛组培苗规模化栽培成功的关键环节即其驯化问题。
- AbstractSeeds,protocorms and protocorm-like-bodies of the rare and endangered plant Dendrobium candidum were successfully cryopreserved. 对珍稀濒危植物铁皮石斛的种子、原球茎和类原球茎体进行了液氮超低温保存研究。
- An elicitor from fungus Mycenae sp. enhanced the extracellular pH of protocorms of Dendrobium candidum in two stages and also inspired the activities of PAL, POD and LOX. 小菇属真菌制成诱导子处理铁皮石斛的原球茎 ,引起原球茎胞外pH分两个阶段升高 ,不同方法制作的诱导子对胞外pH的影响不同。