- The second aspect of the measurement process is often referred to as matching cost and revenue and its fundamental to the accrual basis of accounting. 该计量过程的第二个方面也常称为成本与收入配比,而且它是权责发生制会计的基
- The paper adopts normative method.The pension problems are studied from the aspect of accounting and tax theories.The statements in the paper are based on plenty of facts and great logic. 全文主要采用规范分析方法,从会计学和税收学的角度来研究养老金问题,文中对每一论点的阐述都力求逻辑严密、观点突出、事实充分。
- Another aspect of our work is tracking down wild and native potato. 我们工作的另一方面是追寻野生长土生的土豆。
- The fierce aspect of the salesman frightened the customer off. 那个店员的凶相把顾客吓走了。
- The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation. 核弹轰炸最可怕的一面是辐射。
- Each student was examined on a different aspect of the nervous system. 每个学生都要在神经系统方面受到检查。
- Discussion is made on the necessity of accounting system reform from two aspects of establishing socialism market system and transforming state-owned enterprises administration. 从建立社会主义市场经济体制和转换国有企业经营机制两方面阐述了我国会计制度改革的必要性。
- Now let us turn to another aspect of the problem. 现在我们再谈这问题的另一个方面。
- Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. 然而,那还只是这件事情的一个微不足道的方面。
- The auditor began the examination of accounts. 稽核员开始审察帐务。
- On the course she received a thorough training in every aspect of the job. 在训练班上,她接受了有关这个工作各方面的全面训练。
- By using accounting statistics and applying the form of account,the author explored accounting of added value of railway transportation industry from two aspects of production method and distribution method,and derived related calculation formula. 利用会计核算资料,采用帐户的形式,对铁路运输业增加值核算,并从生产法和分配法两个方面进行了探讨,推导相应计算公式。
- They reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit. 他们对计划的各个方面逐一地进行了审核。
- What sort of account do you have in mind ? 您想开什么样的账户?
- Make sure that nothing is left out of account. 一定要把一切情况都考虑到。
- We are afraid of the angry aspect of the man. 这人愤怒的脸色使我们感到害怕。
- Basic knowledge of Accounting and Finance. 基本的财务及金融方面的知识;
- Another aspect of the logic requires comment. 这个推理还有另一点需要说明。
- Have common knowledge of accounting process. 对会计流程有基本了解。
- But her bedroom now had the aspect of a prison. 然而她的卧室如今已成为监牢的一隅。