- asked Defarge in a whisper. 德伐日先生问。
- She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。
- I in a whisper told them what I had seen. 我低声告诉他们我所看到的情况。
- She said it in a whisper, so I did not hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。
- He said it in a whisper,so I couldn't hear. 他说那件事的声音太小了。我听不见。
- She said it in a whisper,so I didn't hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。
- She said it in a whisper, so I couldn't hear. 这是她悄声说的,所以我没听清说的是什么。
- She speaks in a whisper so as not to wake him up. 她轻声说话以免吵醒他。
- He said it in a whisper, so I couldn't hear. 他说那件事的声音太小了。我听不见。
- Finally Westley said to me in a whisper:”God damn! 到了后来,卫斯特莱在我耳边轻语:“该死的!
- He told me about his past life in a whisper. 他悄悄告诉我他过去的生活。
- My wife, however, next morning, at parting, after I had gone some paces from the door, called me back, to advise me, in a whisper, to have all my eyes about me. 第二天早上我与妻子离别之时,我已经走出门外几步,她叫我回来,小声地对我说要多加小心。
- "That man is a famous star," Xiao Yang told me in a whisper. 小杨低声告诉我说:“那个人是著名的电影明星。
- He drew me aside and imparted the news to me in a whisper. 他把我带到一旁,小声地告诉我这个消息。
- Michael said softly, almost in a whisper, "Hannah, it's Michael. 迈克尔轻轻地,几乎在耳语:"汉娜,我是迈克尔!
- He told me in a whisper so that none else could hear. "他低声告诉我,以免别人听到。"
- Michael said softly, almost in a whisper , "Hannah, it's Michael. 迈克尔轻轻地,几乎在耳语:"汉娜,我是迈克尔!
- He speaks in a low voice, on occasions barely above a whisper. 他说话声音很小,有时小得如同窃窃私语一般。
- He asked for help in a suppliant attitude. 他以恳求的态度要我帮忙。
- She asked me in a small voice what time it was. 她低声问我现在是什么时候了。