- You criticise was of effect for him. 你的批评对他起作用了.
- Awidevariety of effect yarns (roving) can befit. 芯线罗拉保证纱线成形稳定;
- ascription of effect 效果归属
- The cooling way is the key factor of effect the boss core hot spot. 凸台型芯的散热方式是影响热节形成的关键因数。
- Customizing function of effect sound and background! 效果声音和背景的顾客的机能!
- Three, it was the two countries' contradictions on the ascription of Kosovo. 三是南阿两国围绕科索沃地区的归属问题所产生的矛盾。
- They are a company of effective soldiers. 他们是一连精兵。
- The 80/20 Rule points out the imbalance of effects. 20法则揭示了功效的不平衡性。
- Abstract: The purpose of this article was to explore academic origin of communication ascription of Public Relations. 文章快照: 梳理出公共关系理论的由来和发展,以便于建立公共关系的传播学科知识体系。
- Productive of effects outside the mind. 外在的由心灵以外作用产生的
- The distinction of identity and the ascription of liability is the basis of all legal relationship. 身分辨识及责任归属是一切法律关系的基础。
- It's a story of effective muddling through. 这是一个艰难但却有效的过程。
- The problem of nationality attribution and ascription of regime of Bohai and Koguryo concerns whether their ties of blood are identical. 渤海与高句丽的族属与归属问题 ,关系到二者是否为同一血缘 ,渤海是否为高句丽继承国 ,并涉及到古朝鲜的国史体系诸问题 ,因此倍受国际史学界的关注。
- Lack of effective of antidepressants? 没有有效的抗抑郁药?
- He shares in the threefold ascription of Holy, holy, holy, which ascends to the Triune Jehovah.Unmixed purity and truth, and grace is he. 祂是仁慈并良善、温柔地忍受我们的任性,并与我们悖逆的意志对抗。
- The key points of effective telemarketing. 有效的电话销售中的要点。
- As for the ascription of the title,a litterateur should be commented on according to how much his contribution and achievement in that literature form. 至于称号的归属,评论文学家是看他到底在哪种文学形式上的贡献最大、成就最高。
- Whether understanding exactly or not will be very important for us to differentiate and analysediscriminate ethical ascription of a folk. 它有“分出的种”、“不同的种”两个含义。
- Lack of effective certificate management. 缺乏有效的证书管理。
- The ascription of public system hospital property rights system is one of the factors that determine the performance of public system hospital. 公有制医院产权归属是决定公有制医院绩效的因素之一。