- She hurriedly got underway the following day as the nucleus of a third carrier force. 她闻讯之后立刻起航赶往珍珠港,并在接下来的日子里成为第三航母战斗群的核心。
- These books are regarded as the nucleus of the library. 这1000本书被看作是图书馆的核心部分。
- No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish. 谁也不会象病金鱼的主人般觉得那样束手无策。
- A nonpolariton is a condensate of virtual nonpolar photons, with a bare photon acting as the nucleus of condensation. 非极化激元是虚非极性声子的凝聚体,一个裸光子充当了凝聚核。
- Today should be saluted as the beginning of a new era. 应把今天看作是一个新时代的开始来庆祝。
- Only very large number of quality as the nucleus of uranium, thorium, and so can a nuclear fission. 只有一些质量非常大的原子核像铀、钍等才能发生核裂变。
- Just as the planets revolve about the sun, planetary electrons are thought of as revolving about the nucleus. 正像行星围绕太阳转一样,行星般的电子被认为是围着原子核转的。
- One who acts as the trainer or second of a boxer. 拳击手的训练者或其比赛时的助手
- The matrix is defined as the reciprocal of A. 该矩阵定义为A之逆矩阵。
- A narrow part, such as the chokebore of a firearm. 细颈部如枪的绞筒等狭窄的部分
- Opening by valves,as the capsule of a lily or iris. 瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
- A narrow part,such as the chokebore of a firearm. 细颈部如枪的绞筒等狭窄的部分
- A sheer incline,such as the face of a cliff. 落差垂直落差,如悬崖的垂直落差
- They walked as far as the foot of a mountain. 他们一直走到山脚下。
- Acts as the top of a two-level named hierarchy of. 集合的两级命名层次结构的顶级。
- Tubular and hollow,as the leaves of a scallion. 管状的,中空的如韭葱的叶子的中空如管的
- Having no perianth,as the flowers of a willow. 无花被的无花被的,如柳树的花。
- Having gilded edges,as the pages of a book. 金边的镶金边的,如书的页
- Zhuozhou agriculture as the foundation of a good. 涿州有良好的农业基础。
- Her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow. 她的神经如弓弦一样紧张。