- The express is as swift as an arrow. 快车似箭一般地飞驶。
- Time flies as swiftly as an arrow,and the season passes as quickly as a stream. 光阴如箭飞,四季如流水。
- Time flies as swiftly as an arrow, and the season passes as quickly as a stream. 光阴如箭飞,四季如流水。
- It flies as swift as an arrow. 它飞得像箭一样快。
- as swift as an arrow 风驰电掣
- Old chap! You are still as straight as an arrow. 老伙计!你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!
- To shoot or discharge(a missile,such as an arrow). 射投射或发出(发射物,如箭)
- The road continues as straight as an arrow. 公路笔直延伸。
- Old chap!You are still as straight as an arrow. 老伙计!你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!
- To shoot or discharge(a missile, such as an arrow). 射投射或发出(发射物,如箭)
- Map and compass in hand, Simone Niggli-Luder is as swift as the wind. 地图和指南针在手,席莫妮?尼格里路德动作就像风一样快。
- He drove the car as straight as an arrow along the line that had been made in the sand. 他架着车,沿着那条建在沙漠里的公路,笔直地往前开。
- The bullet flew straight as an arrow towards the animal. 子弹径直飞向那只动物。
- FIRST SERVANT. Say thou wilt course; thy greyhounds are as swift As breathed stags; ay, fleeter than the roe. 仆甲:您要狩猎吗?您的猎犬奔跑得比糜鹿还要迅捷。
- The bullet flew straight as an arrow towards the bird. 子弹直射那只鸟。
- You can't miss the way: the raod is as straight as an arrow. 你不会迷路的,路是笔直的。
- I think you can trust him. He's as straight as an arrow. 我觉得你可以信任他。他是个刚正不阿的人。
- Though he is a little fat, he runs as fast as an arrow. 虽然他看起来身形有些胖,但跑起来犹如离弦之箭。
- I've never seen anyone move so fast. He ran like the wind. Run like the wind meansto run as swift as the wind moves; to run very fast. 我从来没有看见过跑得这么快的人。他跑起来就像一阵风一样。
- Archaic To shoot or discharge (a missile, such as an arrow). 射:投射或发出(发射物,如箭)