- Old chap! You are still as straight as an arrow. 老伙计!你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!
- The road continues as straight as an arrow. 公路笔直延伸。
- Old chap!You are still as straight as an arrow. 老伙计!你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!
- He drove the car as straight as an arrow along the line that had been made in the sand. 他架着车,沿着那条建在沙漠里的公路,笔直地往前开。
- You can't miss the way: the raod is as straight as an arrow. 你不会迷路的,路是笔直的。
- I think you can trust him. He's as straight as an arrow. 我觉得你可以信任他。他是个刚正不阿的人。
- You won't get lost if you keep to the track. It's as straight as an arrow. 如果你一直沿着这条路往前走,你是不会迷路的,因为这条路是笔直的。
- Some find her a little boring because she's as straight as an arrow. 有些人觉得她有点无趣,因为她是个一板一眼的人。
- I don't believe that she stole the money. She's as straight as an arrow. 我不相信钱是她偷的。她是个诚实的人。
- After the criminal was released from jail, he became as straight as an arrow. 那个罪犯出狱之後,改过自新成为守规矩的人。
- Eg.The man insisted that he was innocent and that he was as straight as an arrow. 那个人坚持自己是清白的,而且他是个正直的人。
- The politician insisted that he was innocent and that he was as straight as an arrow. 那位政治家坚持自己是清白的,而且是个正直的人。
- The bullet flew straight as an arrow towards the animal. 子弹径直飞向那只动物。
- The bullet flew straight as an arrow towards the bird. 子弹直射那只鸟。
- At the sound of the thunder the child flew straight as an arrow to his mother. 一听见雷声,那个孩子就箭一般地跑向他妈妈。
- The little girl flew straight as an arrow to her mother at the sound of the thunder. 小女孩一听到雷声就径直跑向她的妈妈。
- as straight as an arrow 像箭一样地笔直
- It flew straight as an arrow. 它直飞如箭。
- He is an intellectual and as straight as a die in all his dealings. 他是个知识分子,待人接物无不极其诚实公正。
- He stood as straight as a ramrod. 他的身子挺得笔直。