- He's a nice fellow as ever lived, but soft as butter. 再没有比他更可爱的了,不过性格太软弱。
- He's a nice fellow as ever lived,but soft as butter. 再没有比他更可爱的了,不过性格太软弱。
- Baby's skin is as soft as velvet. 婴儿的皮肤十分柔滑。
- This cloth is as soft as a baby's bottom. 这条布料手感很好。
- This kind of cloth feels as soft as silk. 这种料子摸上去就如丝绸一般柔软。
- The bunny's haire is as soft as velvet. 小白兔的毛很光滑的.
- Our eyebrow pencils are as soft as petals. 某眉笔广告)眉笔像花瓣一样柔和.
- as soft as butter 很柔软
- Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger, but a heart as soft as tofu. 刀子嘴豆腐心。
- This kind of paper was as soft as light, but much less expensive. 这种纸和那种纸一样又轻又软,但是便宜的多。
- The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm. 柔情似水的毛衣裙装赋予女性独特的魅力。
- A rex rabbit's coat lacks the stiff guard hairs of other breeds,resulting in a fur texture that is as soft as a cloud. 卷毛兔没有其他种类的兔子那种有防护作用的硬毛,它的毛轻软得像云彩。
- I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning. 我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来。
- The sfumato was Leonardo's way of blending colours as softly as smoke. 模糊轮廓是列奥纳多将颜料调和成烟雾一股柔和的方法。
- He opened the gate himself and sauntered slowly up, probably enjoying the lovely afternoon that breathed as soft as summer. 他自己开了大门,慢慢蹓跶过来,大概是要享受这风和日丽、宛如夏日的下午。
- IT both deeply roots in the peofound .the feeling which "AMAQE"gives you is as waem as spring breeze,as soft as vibrant as sping thunder. “阿曼琪”给您的感受就如春风般温暖、春雨般滋润、春泥般丰腴、春雷般震撼。
- It can be used to make fishing poles, skateboards, buildings, furniture, floors, and even clothing and bed linens (the fabric is as soft as silk). 它可以用来制造捕鱼杆,滑板,建筑,家具,地板,甚至是服装和床上用品(织物软丝绸)。
- Once more the Dagda touched his harp, but very, very softly.And now a music stole forth as soft as dreams, and as sweet as joy: it was the magic Music of Sleep. 当达格达再一次轻轻地触弄他的魔琴时,一种甜蜜、轻柔,如梦似幻的音乐悄悄地流淌出来:这就是美梦的乐音。
- A rumour is about as hard to unspreaded as butter. 谣言扩散的程度就像抹在面包上的奶油。
- The first thing I noticed about the Ghanaian is that his voice is as soft as his tackles are rock hard, but a more pleasant young man you could never hope to meet. 加纳人给我最大的印象是,他温柔的嗓音和强硬的技术风格形成鲜明对比,你很难期望遇见性格比他更好的年轻人。