- Bazzana, as might be expected, defends his man. 不出所料,巴札纳为他辩解。
- As might be expected of a gentleman,he was as good as his word. 就像绅士应该做的,他履行了诺言。
- As might be expected, john was admitted to the university. 约翰被大学录取了,这是可以预料到的。
- As might be expected of a gentleman, he was as good as his word. 就像绅士应该做的,他履行了诺言。
- Freda ,as might be expected ,was attending the international conference . 像所预料的那样,弗丽达要参加一个国际会议。
- Freda , as might be expected , was attending the international conference . 像所预料的那样,弗丽达要参加一个国际会议。
- Freda , as might be expected , was attending the international conference. 像所预料的那样,弗丽达要参加一个国际会议。
- As might be expected,the Mughals and the Marathas still nurse a dislike for each other. 她控制了整个北非海岸,俯瞰着地中海向北眺望欧洲。
- As might be expected New Age unleashed counter-forces from the side of fundamentalist Christian denominations. 可以想象,新时代击垮了来自正统基督教派的反对力量。
- Women with schizophrenia have a decreased OAR relative to their healthy peers, as might be expected. 女性患者的OAR比正常女性低,与预期的一样。
- Freda, as might be expected, was attending the international conference . 像所预料的那样,弗丽达要参加一个国际会议。
- It was a close, musty, ill-ventilated place, as might be expected, since its inmate seldom left it. 那是一间沉闷、有霉味、通风不良的房子,这也是不足为怪的,因为住在里面人很少出去。
- As might be expected, tropical lakes may be exceedingly productive if nutrients are plentiful. 如所想象的那样,热带湖泊如果营养物丰富,那么会特别高产。
- As might be expected, the privations suffered by the whites in the sea crossing were nothing when compared to the misery of the Negroes. 可想而知,当年白人漂洋过海所受的困苦比起黑人所受的折磨简直算不了什么。
- As might be expected from nomads, Striders hold fewer caerns than any other tribe, and those they claim generally have a high turnover in membership. 大概是因为来自游牧民族,漫游者拥有的圣地远远比其他部族少,而且他们通常声称成员经常更新。
- As might be expected,developmentals seem to structure their ATC knowledge in ways that resemble the conceptual structures of their instructors. 正如预期的那样,学员对ATC知识的组织类似于他们的教员的概念结构。
- As might be expected, developmentals seem to structure their ATC knowledge in ways that resemble the conceptual structures of their instructors. 正如预期的那样,学员对ATC知识的组织类似于他们的教员的概念结构。
- The genetic imprint is not as visible as might be expected if interbreeding occurred, but Harpending offers an explanation. 如果真有混血,相关的遗传印记不见得如想像中容易看出。
- As might be expected, style mavens' critiques focus less on what the potential first ladies say or do than on what they wear. 现任阿拉斯加州州长的佩林年轻时曾参加过选美比赛。布鲁姆说:“那种场合的造型风格是不一样的,应该更加庄重和专业一点”。
- He is vague as may be; writing in what is called the "soaped-pig" fashion. 他总是含糊至极,写出的东西可谓“模棱两可”。