- He came home as drunk as a skunk again. 他回到家就醉得不省人世。
- I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord. 我听不懂那个人在说些什么,他烂醉如泥。
- It will make you as drunk as a fiddler. 它会使你酩酊大醉的。
- Don't touch it. It will make you as drunk as a fiddler. 别喝。它会使你酩酊大醉的。
- Mary left the party as drunk as a skunk,I hope she got homw ok. 玛丽带着醉意回家;我希望她能安全到家.
- as drunk as a rat 喝得酩酊大醉
- He gulped down one glass of whisky after another, and was as drunk as a lord in next to no time. (他灌下了一杯又一杯的威士忌,很快就酩酊大醉了。)
- It's nearly midnight when Cheryl comes back. She is as drunk as a sow and handed by Sam. 谢丽尔直到半夜才回来,喝得酩酊大醉,让山姆搀着。
- He shook her violently as a dog shakes a rat. 他使劲把她推来推去; 像狗玩老鼠似的.
- He finally got home at midnight, drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- He held his breath as a rat scuttled past. 见一只老鼠跑过,他屏住了呼吸。
- He finally got home at midnight,drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- People think I'm sick for having a rat as a pet. 人们认为我养只耗子当宠物是变态。
- At about3 AM, I was drunk as a skunk. 大约半夜3点钟,我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉。
- He died true to his character: drunk as a lord. 他死得很有性格:酩酊大醉。
- They watched him closely as a cat watched a rat. 他们观看了他的紧密合作,如一只猫观看了鼠。
- He is as drunk as a Dutch. 他烂泥如醉。(非“跟荷兰人一样醉”)
- I caught a rat as large as a kitten last night. 昨天晚上我捉到一只和小猫一般大的老鼠。
- I eventually found them in a bar, both as drunk as skunks. 我后来在一家酒吧找到他们,两个人都烂醉如泥。
- At about 3AM, I was drunk as a skunk. 大约半夜3点钟,我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉。