- Yes. They're as clear as daylight. 可以。清楚得很。
- It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. 这时已昭然若揭了:趁她不在时窃贼曾破门而入。
- Isn't this obvious? or Isn't it as clear as daylight? 这不是明摆着的事儿吗?
- It's as clear as daylight why he hasn't come. He knows you smoke a few pipes before bed,and he doesn't want to disturb you. 他还没有来的原因很清楚,他知道你睡觉前总抽几斗烟,所以他不想打扰你。
- perfectly clear; as clear as daylight 一清二楚
- The fact was clear as daylight that the girl was innocent. 事实非常清楚,这个女孩是无辜的。
- How do I know what he's going to do? His intentions are always as clear as mud. 我怎么会知道他想干什么?他的意图总是叫人捉摸不透。
- I cried for a while and then went back to prepare the meal. My heart was now clear as daylight. 哭了好一阵子后,我继续作菜,心情一片晴朗。
- The matter is as clear as crystal now. 现在事情已经十分清楚了。
- It was clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. 显而易见,在她外出时曾有窃贼破门而入。
- The lake is as clear as a bright mirror. 湖水清如明镜。
- His voice came down the line as clear as a bell. 他的声音如铃声般清脆地从听筒里传出来。
- Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then. 哎呀,那么一来这真是成了一本糊涂账了。
- Our teacher explained the lesson to us as clearly as he could. 我们的老师尽可能清楚地为我们解释这一课。
- Running swiftly under ice as clear as glass. 在如玻璃透明的冰层下快速的流动。
- The radio station comes in as clear as a bell. 这个广播电台很容易听到的。
- The explanation was as clear as crystal. 这个解释再清楚不过了。
- The water in the ocean was as clear as crystal. 海洋里的水很清彻。
- Your explanation is as clear as mud. 你的解释一点都不清晰。
- His style is as clear as crystal. 他的文体极其清晰明白。