- arts of modem drama 话剧艺术
- The arts of medicine and surgery are somewhat in arrear in Africa. 医疗和外科手术在非洲稍微有些落后。
- Novel is an art of imagination and drama is an art of feeling. 小说是引起想象的艺术,而戏剧则是引起感觉的艺术。
- The art of preparing and dispensing drugs. 配药学,制药业制配药品的科学
- That's a common theme of modem literature. 那是现代文学的一个普遍主题。
- He is numbered among the best of modem writers. 他被归入最优秀的现代作家。
- The art of creating such representations. 漫画手法创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术
- Finance is the centre of modem economy. 摘要金融是现代经济的核心。
- Boxing has been defined as the art of hit without being hit. 拳击已被定义为没有碰撞的碰撞艺术。
- Homer have teach all other poet the art of tell lie skillfully. 荷马把他的一套撒谎本领传给了其他的全部诗人。
- She's a past master at the art of getting what she wants. 她想要什麽就能得到什麽,堪称一绝。
- Scientism is a major part of modem western philosophy. 摘要科学主义是现代西方两大哲学思潮之一。
- Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition. 词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧。
- It combines in forms the traits of Chinese and foreign plays, and constructs the basic form of the one-act play of the modem drama in the period of May 4th Movement. 在戏剧形式上融会了中外戏剧的特点,建构了“五四”时期话剧独幕剧的基本形式。
- She was adept at the fine art of irritating people. 她惯于激惹别人生气。
- He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy. 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
- The art of painting well is not easily learnt. 高超的绘画技巧是不易掌握的。
- He is practiced in the art of design. She is a practiced lecturer. 他精于设计艺术。她是个老练的演说者
- Descartes raises the central questions of modem philosophy. 笛卡尔提出了现代哲学的核心问题。