- artificial human organs 人造人体器官
- Sale human organs should be prohibited by legislation in China. 我国立法应明令禁止人体器官买卖。
- Thousands of people die every year because of the unavailability of human organs for transplantation. 每年有成千上万的人因为人体器官不能进行移植而死亡。
- Although federal law prohibits the sale of human organs,there's no record of anyone ever being accused of that crime. 尽管联邦法律禁止买卖人体器官,但是目前还没有人被控此项罪名。
- Scientists say cloned pigs might solve the shortage of human organs needed for transplant. 科学家们称克隆猪可解决人类组织器官移植缺乏的问题。
- Now a team led by Sujoy Guha of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, has created an artificial human heart based on a cockroach's, which they believe will be unusually robust and affordable. 如今,哈拉格普尔理工学院教授古哈领导的团队根据蟑螂心脏的工作原理研发出了一种人工心脏,他们声称此心脏能长时间高效正常工作,且价格能为大众所承受。
- The transplantation of organs not only involves delicate surgery but also needs regular supply of human organs. 器官的移植不仅需要精确的外科手术而且要有稳定的器官来源。
- Pig organs are of a similar size to human organs, and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the shortfall. 猪的器官大小与人的器官相似,一些科学家希望它们可用于弥补器官短缺问题。
- Such a list, unlike Childe's, highlights human organization. 我们现在能够通过考古学来研究史前史。
- There will be a monster in human organs is called leader of the blame, there are 2 bodies, atotal of 3 can only blame. 怪物中会出现一个叫机关人头领的怪,还有2只机关,一共3只怪。
- To overcome the shortage of human organs for transplantation, pigs are considered as xenogeneic donors. 为了克服人体移植器官的短缺,猪被研究用作异种移植的供者。
- Although Capek's robots were organic artificial humans, the word robot is nearly always used to refer to mechanical humans. 尽管Capek的机器人是器官的人造人,机器人一词几乎总是用于指机械人。
- General instruments can be physically seen, but vocal music "instruments" are untouchable "human organs". 一般的乐器都是看得到的实物,而声乐的“乐器”则是摸不到的“人体器官”。
- Pig organs are of a similar size to human organs,and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the shortfall. 猪的器官大小与人的器官相似,一些科学家希望它们可用于弥补器官短缺问题。
- For the first time, scientists have grown a human organ from patients'own cells to transplant back into their bodies. 科学家已通过病人自身细胞成功培育出了人体器官,再回植入病人体内,这在医学临床治疗上尚属首次。
- Scientists have long to create such a human organ Chimeric animal is not left Emily to create a monster. 科学家们去制造这些长着人的器官的嵌合体动物,并不是唯恐天下不乱而去制造怪物。
- The mouth has a very well-developed muscles tongue, help feeding, stirring and swallowing, and pronunciation of support for human organs. 口腔内有十分发达的肌肉舌,有助于摄食、搅拌及吞咽,并为人类发音的辅助器官。
- Empathy is not possible for an egocentric or animalistic human organism. 一个以自我为中心的,并主张人不过是动物的人是不可能有同情心的。
- This dress is made of artificial fibers. 这件衣服是人造纤维的。
- The general suture needle applies to suture and ligature for human organs, Blood vessel, nerve, skin, thoracic cavity and also for Ophthalmologic plastic and Gynacologic surgery. 医用缝合针,适用于外科手术中对人体组织的内脏、血管、神经、皮肤、眼科、整形、胸腔、妇科等缝合结扎之用。