- People use maggots as bait when they go fishing. 人们钓鱼时用蛆作钓饵。
- Earth worms are often used as bait. 蚯蚓常用作鱼饵。
- artificial fly [as bait] 人造彩蝇
- Some people use maggots as bait when they go fishing. 有些人钓鱼时用蛆作钓饵。
- To angle using artificial flies for bait and usually a fly rod for casting. 用假蝇钩钓鱼使用人工蝇作诱饵并通常使有投掷用的飞竿来钓鱼
- He angled with an artificial fly. 他用假蝇钓鱼。
- An artificial fly used in angling. 钓鱼用的假蝇饵
- The art or sport of angling with artificial flies for bait. 假蝇钩钓鱼,用假蝇钩钓鱼的技巧或运动。
- A worm,such as an earthworm,that is used as bait in fishing. 蚯蚓在钓鱼中用作诱饵的一种虫子,如蚯蚓
- A worm, such as an earthworm, that is used as bait in fishing. 蚯蚓在钓鱼中用作诱饵的一种虫子,如蚯蚓
- Sale man use the so-called free present as bait,publicist use them to bribe. 推销员用所谓的免费赠品作为诱饵,公关人员用它们来行贿。
- "We caught some civilian and used him as bait for Gatchaman," I bluffed. "我们为 Gatchaman 捕捉了一些平民而且以他作为饵",我吓唬。
- Dry fly:an artificial fly used in fishing that floats on the surface of the water when cast. 假蝇:钓鱼时抛出后浮在水面上以假蝇拟饵.
- Any of several brightly colored artificial flies used in fly fishing. "用作鱼饵的人造蝇;色彩鲜明.;"
- Small mostly marine warm-water carp-like schooling fishes,used as bait or aquarium fishes or in mosquito control. 主要是温暖海水中成群活动的类似鲤鱼的小鱼,用作鱼珥、水族馆展览或治蚊。
- For example, serve as bait with money reward of high specified number, the design with good diddle. 譬如,以高额赏金作为诱饵,骗取好的设计。
- Using only his penis as bait, a striped bass leapt out of the water and was snagged by Chandler’s dangling number. 保罗甚至开玩笑的表示,他非常乐意看到钱德勒去完成此举,只要钱德勒能在鱼群的重重包围下全身而退。
- The third is for the media networks to high returns as bait, victims of investment fraud, and various items cost. 其三是以网络为媒介,以高额回报为诱饵,骗取受害人投资款和各种名目费用。
- The elderly sleuth left cash out in her room as bait and then waited in a toilet. 留了些现金作为诱饵,然后躲在厕所里。
- Also in the frame are Germany's Hamburg. Fiorentina could use Bojinov as bait to land the Bundesliga club's Belgian defender Vincent Kompany. 同样感兴趣的还有德国的汉堡。佛罗伦萨可以用博吉诺夫为诱饵弄来德国俱乐部的比利时后卫孔帕尼。