- After that she fined down her choice of words. 打那之后,她遣词造句更为准确了。
- He is cautious in his choice of words. 他措辞很谨慎。
- They are engaging in a duel of words. 他们双方在斗嘴。
- We express our thought by means of words. 我们用词句来表达思想。
- The articulation of a plosive sound. 破裂发音一个爆发音的发音
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. 这个组织是在世界银行的赞助下办的。
- Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 思想是用(通过)言语表达的。
- From childhood on Tennyson was fascinated by the sound of words. 从孩提开始,坦尼森就对词语的发音着了迷。
- Choice and use of words in speech or writing. 措词讲话或书写中,对词的使用或选择
- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。
- Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers. 亚瑟是兄弟中最会说话的。
- Relating to or consisting of words; verbal. 语言的跟词语有关或由词语构成的; 语言的
- That wasn't a very happy choice of words. 那样的措辞并不十分恰当
- An endless flow of word stream from the same orifice. 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。
- The singer worked hard on the clear articulation of every note. 歌手苦练每一个音都唱得清晰。
- The deaf man has learned to lip-read a large vocabulary of words. 那个聋人已学会用唇读法了解许多词。
- An endless flow of words streamed from the same orifice. 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。
- I can't see how to put the model car together. Where is the book of words? 我不懂怎样拼装这个汽车模型,说明书在哪里?
- Finally, the clearest articulation of value is expressed in returning business. 最终,改版的成效会在商业绩效中体现出来。
- Abundant use of words without conveying much meaning. 空话,套话大量地使用言辞却不含有什么意思