- Objective: To explore the etiology and pathology of functional articulation disorder(FAD) by studying sustained attention in children with FAD. 目的:研究功能性构音障碍儿童的持续性注意以探讨其病因和发病机制。
- Objechive To explore the causes and therapeutic strategies for articulation disorder of lingua-palatal phoneme in patients with hearing impairment. 目的探讨听障患者舌面音构音障碍的原因及矫治对策。
- Objective: To explore the etiology and pathology of functional articulation disorder (FAD) by studying sustained attention in children with FAD. 摘要目的:研究功能性构音障碍儿童的持续性注意以探讨其病因和发病机制。
- No other way than do so can resolve the problem of the articulation disorder of lingua-palatal phoneme in patients with hearing impairment scientifically and effectively. 只有这样,才能科学、有效地解决听障患者舌面音构音障碍的问题。
- Methods To analyze the common causes of articulation disorder of lingua-palatal phoneme in patients with hearing impairment and institute pertinent therapeutic strategies for them. 方法分析造成听障患者舌面音构音障碍的常见原因,并为其制订有针对性的矫治对策。
- Articulation disorder of/g/and/k/ /g/和/k/构音异常
- Keywords behavior;articulation disorder;child; 行为;发音障碍;儿童;
- specific speech articulation disorder 特定的言语构音障碍(F80.;0)
- Developmental articulation disorder 发育性分节发音障碍
- functional articulation disorder 功能性构音障碍
- Results The intelligibility was improved by 36.06%, compensatory articulatory disorder, and the interlligibility was significantly improved. 结果:患儿语音清晰度平均提高36.;06%25;代偿性发音等腭裂音质明显改善。
- Children with functional articulation disorder have more behavioral problems than normal children. It is crucial to correct the false articulations for preventing behavioral problems. 功能性构音障碍儿童行为问题发生率高于正常儿童,积极矫治其错误发音是预防行为问题的关键。
- Evaluation of articulation disorder and language therapy 构音障碍的评价及语言治疗
- Objective The purpose of this study was to explore a more effective and objective evaluation method of articulation disorders by analyzing of abnormal utterance of different types of patients with CSL(Computer Speech Lab). 目的 为探索客观有效的异常语音评价方法 ,应用计算机语音分析系统 ( CSL )分析各种类型患者的异常语音。
- The meeting finished in disorder. 会议结束时一片混乱。
- Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 入侵者受到重创,狼狈溃退。
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
- The meeting terminated in disorder. 会议在混乱中结束。
- Anxiety may disorder the stomach. 忧虑可能会引起胃部不适。
- The room is in dreadful disorder. 房间里乱七八糟。