- artery involvement treatment 动脉介术治疗
- The MPV on admission and the high level of PLT in children with coronary artery involvement were higher than that with no coronary artery involvement (P<0.05). 冠状动脉异常患儿急性期MPV及最高PLT值较冠状动脉无异常患儿之值高,差异有显著性(P<0.;05)。
- A study of coronary artery involvement in aortitis 大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的分析
- One involved treatment of anxiety disorders, the other examined long-term effects of alcohol use in teenagers. 其中一项是治疗焦虑症,另一项研究长期使用酒精对青少年的影响。
- Conclusion:this method s convenience is vivid,safety credibility,can exaltation get involved treatment of success rate. 结论:此法方便灵活,安全可靠,可以提高介入治疗的成功率。
- A total of 1,057 men participated in the study, which involved treatment using each drug for four weeks, with a one-week washout period in between. 共有1,057名男性参与了这项研究,他们首先连续四个星期服用一种药物,然后是一个星期时间的缓冲期,接着再连续四个星期服用另一种药物。
- Direct discrimination involves treatment that favours one person over another person in the same or similar circumstances. 直接的歧视包括,在相同或相似的情形/条件下给予某人比另外一个人更好的待遇。
- The clinical manifestation of 7 aorta-arteritis cases with coronary artery involvement and follow-up study 大动脉炎累及冠状动脉7例临床分析
- She shied from new involvement in the deal. 她不想再卷入那笔交易。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- His treatment of her was beyond endurance. 他这样对待她是无法忍受的。
- His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他对待妻子十分蛮横。
- His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. 他因卷入丑闻,在名誉上留下污点。
- Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office! 本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁!
- Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery. 动脉内膜炎动脉内层膜的炎症
- I don't like her lofty treatment of her visitors. 我不喜欢她对来访者的高傲态度。
- He is in a bad way after treatment. 经过治疗他尚未痊愈。
- Many people were elected to take part in democratic involvement. 很多人被选举参与民主管理。
- I hate to be given the silent treatment. 我讨厌遭受无言的冷遇。