- arterovenous shunt operation 动静脉分流水
- Portosystemic shunt operation or MHV recanalization by interventional therapy can relieve the symptoms of BCS with ACS. 门体分流术或经介入方法使主肝静脉再通可消除BCS并ACS的症状。
- The literature is reviewed in aspect to clinical symptoms, CT, MRI, cerebral blood flow sod CSF dynamic studies to identify factors that predict shunt operation response. 本文从正常压力脑积水患者的临床表现、CT和MRI检查、脑血流量和脑脊液动力学等方面综述影响分流手术效果的因素。
- After discussed, the cardiac catheterization can carry on in Johor Bahru Central Hospital, afterward goes to Kuala Lumpur Gleneagles Hospital to carry on Glenn Shunt operation. 经过协商,这心导管检查会安排在新山中央医院进行,之后再去吉隆坡鹰阁医院进行手术。
- shunt operation of musculi tensor veli palatini 腭帆张肌改路术
- Ventriculo - peritonal shunt operation 侧脑室腹腔分流术
- Gore-Tex interposition shunt operation 戈尔-特克斯插入分流术
- The surgeon could only do a shunting operation to lessen the headaches that would occur when the tumor grew big. 外科医生只能为她做一导管手术帮她在肿瘤增大时减少头痛。
- Can we shunt the talks onto a new topic? 我们谈话换个新话题好吧?
- How to rationally arrange operation for placing-in and taking-out wagons is one of important part of shunting operation at enterprise railway. 摘要如何合理安排企业铁路取送车作业是企业铁路调车作业中的一个重要环节。
- To avoid the personal injury caused by buffer-stop operation during shuntingis an important part of safety management for station shunting operation. 在调车作业中,防止车当作业时人身伤害事故的发生,是车站调车作业安全管理的重要内容。
- On the basis of the analysis on the relation between shunting operation and loading/unloading,the essay discusses the necessity for the cooperation of both schedules. 在分析调车作业与装卸作业相互联系的基础上,论述寻求两者之间进度配合的必要性。
- She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams. 她试图把责任推至威廉姆斯小姐身上。
- On the basis of analyzing the influence factors of shunting operation volume in marshalling station,the algorithm model of shunting operation is established. 在分析编组站调车作业量影响因素的基础上,构建了调车作业算法模型。
- Treatment of Morbid Obesity with Small Intestine Shunt Operation 小肠短路术治疗病态肥胖症
- He's mending nicely after his operation. 手术后他正在顺利康复。
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- The bank plan a rescue operation for the company. 银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。