- art song appreciation 歌词赏析
- A German art song in the style of a ballad for solo voice and piano. 德国民歌民谣形式的德国艺术歌曲,是钢琴伴奏的独唱
- Whether feeling expression is proper or not in singing determines the art charm and aesthetic feeling in song appreciation. 摘要歌曲演唱中,情感表现是否到位,决定了歌曲演唱的艺术魅力和美感效果。
- Art songs by Schubert give one sensuous pleasure. 舒伯特的艺术歌曲给人以美感。
- Opera is a blend of all the performing art song, instrumental music, dance and drama. 歌剧艺术集所有表演艺术 歌,器乐,舞蹈和戏剧 於一体。
- Art songs, as a glamorous pearl in music palace, not only match with opera and church music, but also have higher artistry and appreciation value. 摘要作为音乐殿堂一颗璀璨的明珠-艺术歌曲,不仅可以与歌剧或教堂音乐相媲美,而且具有较高的艺术性和欣赏价值。
- The art song is a very important musical form which gathers the artist sentiment and literature. 艺术歌曲是音乐艺术中重要的音乐体裁,是集艺术性、抒情性、文学性为一体的声乐形式。
- Schubert laid the foundation of art song, inaugurated the age of ballade, created the new peak of piano accompaniment. 舒伯特奠定了艺术歌曲发展的基石,开创了叙事歌曲的先河,更将钢琴伴奏在歌曲中的发展推向一次新的高峰。
- Next, it introduced the melody, form, harmonic progression, poetic rhythm, piano accompaniment of important works in Schubert's art song again. 其次从歌曲本体入手,对舒伯特艺术歌曲中代表作品的旋律、曲式、和声、诗歌韵律的采用、钢琴伴奏等方面重新作出审视。
- Originated from European romantic music in the 19th century, art song have greatly been developed and now achieved a high position in the vocality art. 艺术歌曲作为发端于19世纪欧洲浪漫派音乐的特殊品种,其格调雅致、意趣深邃,独具美学原则与形式结构特点。
- Regardless of the Shuman art song is in the song creation technique innovation in the classical artistic song inheritance and the development, all has the cross time significance. 舒曼艺术歌曲无论是在歌曲创造手法的创新上还是古典艺术歌曲的继承与发展上,都具有跨时代的意义。
- Focuses on the analyses about poetic rhythm, piano accompaniment and so on .last ,it tell us the esthetics of Schubert's art song and the act of enlightening . 并着重分析了舒伯特艺术歌曲的诗歌韵律、语言发音、钢琴伴奏等具体内容进行深一步的论证整理;最后,本文阐明其艺术歌曲中所蕴涵的美学思想和其作品对后世人的启迪。
- An appreciation of art will enrich your life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你的生活
- As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew. 随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。
- Let's appreciate the art song. 让我们欣赏艺术歌曲。
- Franz Peter1797-1828 Austrian composer who perfected the form of the German art song in his more than 600 compositions for voice and piano. He also composed symphonies and chamber music. 舒伯特,弗朗兹·彼得1797-1828奥地利作曲家,他的600多部声乐及钢琴作品完善了德国歌唱艺术。他亦作有交响乐和室内音乐。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Art song originates from the music genre of Romanism in 1920's, and its founder is Schubert, an Austrian composer, whose works are characteristic of uniqueness, attractiveness and perfection pursuing. 艺术歌曲起源于19世纪20年代的浪漫主义乐派,它的奠基者是奥地利作曲家舒伯特,他的音乐清新脱俗,摄人心魂,追求完美。
- Their works, such as Questioning and Teach Me How to Forget Him were the first art songs. 他们的歌曲作品《问》、《教我如何不想他》等是我国作曲家创作的最初一批艺术歌曲。