- art of engraving characters 刻字艺术
- The art of engraving or carving,especially on precious stones. 宝石雕刻术雕刻艺术,尤指宝石雕刻术。
- The art of engraving or carving, especially on precious stones; glyptography. 宝石雕刻术雕刻艺术,尤指宝石雕刻术;雕版术
- The art of engraving or carving, especially on precious stones;glyptography. 宝石雕刻术雕刻艺术,尤指宝石雕刻术;
- Send me, therefore, a man skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, and in purple, crimson and blue yarn, and experienced in the art of engraving, to work in Judah and Jerusalem with my skilled craftsmen, whom my father David provided. 现在求你差一个巧匠来,就是善用金,银,铜,铁,和紫色,朱红色,蓝色线,并精于雕刻之工的巧匠,与我父大卫在犹大和耶路撒冷所预备的巧匠一同作工。
- the art of engraving on precious stones. 在宝石上雕刻的艺术。
- Art of Engraving Buddha in the Yungang Grotto 云冈石窟佛像雕刻艺术
- The process of engraving zinc printing plates. 制锌版术雕刻锌印刷版的过程
- The art of preparing and dispensing drugs. 配药学,制药业制配药品的科学
- This type of engraving requires a delicate touch. 这种雕刻要求手法轻巧。
- The art of creating such representations. 漫画手法创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术
- Boxing has been defined as the art of hit without being hit. 拳击已被定义为没有碰撞的碰撞艺术。
- Homer have teach all other poet the art of tell lie skillfully. 荷马把他的一套撒谎本领传给了其他的全部诗人。
- She's a past master at the art of getting what she wants. 她想要什麽就能得到什麽,堪称一绝。
- Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition. 词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧。
- She was adept at the fine art of irritating people. 她惯于激惹别人生气。
- The arts of medicine and surgery are somewhat in arrear in Africa. 医疗和外科手术在非洲稍微有些落后。
- He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy. 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
- The art of painting well is not easily learnt. 高超的绘画技巧是不易掌握的。
- The study or art of cosmetics and their use. 美容学对化妆品及其应用的研究或技术