- This painting is my entry for the art competition. 这幅画是我参加艺术比赛的作品。
- I'm entering an art competition, and I'd like to use your name. 我要参加一个绘画比赛,我想用你的名字。
- PAUL Do you remember my idea for an art competition at the Fair? 记不记得我在万博会举行艺术比赛的构想?
- Joanna: Well here comes your big chance. An art competition! 乔安娜:现在好机会来了,有一个艺术比赛。
- Thank you for telling me about the art competition, Joanna. 乔安娜,谢谢你告诉我艺术竞赛的事。
- Paulo: I'm planning to hold an art competition at our pavilion. 保罗:我正计划在我们展馆举办一个艺术比赛。
- This art competition was divided into regional and international phases. 是次比赛分为本地及国际评审两个阶段。
- The Brazilian Pavilion of the World's Fair is sponsoring an international art competition. 万国博览会巴西馆将举办一项国际性艺术比赛。
- I heard there's an art competition in your pavilion. What's the deadline for the entries? 我听说你们展馆有一个艺术比赛,报名参赛的截止日期是多少?保罗:十一月一日。
- Joanna: Did you finish your proposal for the art competition? Paulo: Yes. I stayed up the whole night and got it complete down to the last detail. 艺术比赛的计划书你写好了吗?保罗:好了。我熬了一夜,把每一个细节都写进去了。
- She also won a bronze medal at 6th National Art Exhibition, an outstanding award in “WHL 2nd Art Competition” in Australia. 获第六届全国美展铜奖,获在澳大利亚举行的“WHL第二届美术大赛”优秀作品奖。
- In these works for the Young Brits at Art competition, set up by the Equality and Human Rights commission, students aged 11 and up depict their lives and concerns. 平等与人权委员会为英国年青人举办了一个美术竞赛,11岁以上的学生们用画笔描述他们的生活和他们所关注的事情。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- She won several awards in campus art competitions including a second prize award of a calligraphy contest. 他在大学里曾获得了很多竞赛的奖项,其中包括一次书法竞赛的二等奖。
- He has studied oil paintings for years and won numerals of prizes from local art competitions. 他从小学习油画,几年来在美国麻省地区性的儿童美术比赛中赢得数个奖。
- Medieval nobles regarded the martial arts competition as their career and duty because it revealed the values they pursued, i.e. honor, courageousness, and generosity. 中世纪贵族把比武视为其事业和必须履行的责任;比武揭示了中世纪贵族对荣誉、英勇、慷慨品质追求的价值观念。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs,such as concerts,exhibitions,art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. 我们将开展多元文化活动,如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会、展览、艺术比赛和野营。
- We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. 我们将开展多元文化活动,如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会、展览、艺术比赛和野营。
- Did you see the art exhibition downtown? 你看了闹市区的美术展览吗?