- arsenical adenocarcinoma 砷性腺癌
- These are metastases from a colonic adenocarcinoma. 为结肠腺癌肝转移性病变。
- This proved to be prostatic adenocarcinoma. 证实为前列腺腺癌。
- Adenocarcinoma may also coexist with hyperplasia. 另外,腺癌可与增生共存。
- This adenocarcinoma arose in the ampulla of Vater. 此图所示的是壶腹部的腺癌。
- It is difficult to concentrate for Arsenical gold Mineral. 含砷金矿属难选矿石。
- Arsenical gld ore is one kind of the most refractory ores. 砷金矿石属于难处理金矿石之一。
- Arsenical compounds are not compatible with reducing agents. 含砷化合物与还原剂不能共用。
- This adenocarcinoma of the endometrium is more obvious. 图示子宫内膜腺癌。
- Common in small cell lung cancer, adenocarcinoma type. 常见于小细胞肺癌、腺癌类型。
- If they invades into submucosa, they are invasive adenocarcinoma. 如果浸润粘膜下层,则是浸润性腺癌。
- Epididymal adenocarcinoma was seen in a 57-year-old man. 良性肿瘤作单纯肿瘤或患侧附睾切除。
- Gastric neoplasia is not uncommon.Here is a gastric adenocarcinoma. 胃肿瘤不常见,图示胃腺癌。
- This is an adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma. 这是乳头状腺瘤来源的腺癌。
- For example, this adenocarcinoma could be given a Gleason of 3/3. 例如,此腺癌的Gleason分级为3/3。
- Pathologically, all of the HLAIHCCs were adenocarcinoma. 病理检查均为腺癌。
- Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis. 随着时间的推移,溃疡性结肠炎病人有患腺癌的危险。
- CR was obtained in 6 of 8 patients with adenocarcinoma, 1 PR and 1 NR. 8例腺癌病人,完全缓解6例,1例部分缓解,1例无效。
- The positive rate of CgA in endometrioid adenocarcinoma was 44.0%(22/50). 子宫内膜样腺癌组织中CgA阳性率为 44 .;0%25 (2 2 /5 0 )。
- When encountered in needle biopsies, it may be mistaken for adenocarcinoma. 前列腺穿刺活检时如偶然碰到,可能会误认为是腺癌。