Chromosome aberrations were incuced with both arsenic compounds. 两种砷酸盐均可引起染色体畸变。
The method of ammonium magnesium arsenate has been used to remove the arsenic from leaching liquor of arsenic-containing molybdenum ore. 采用砷酸铵镁沉淀法对含砷钼矿的浸出液进行了脱砷研究。
Here we report that two different types of transporters mediate transport of arsenite, the predominant form of arsenic in paddy soil, from the external medium to the xylem. 亚砷酸盐是稻田土壤中砷的主要存在形式,而木质部把营养从根部运输到植株。
Arsenite transport in rice roots therefore shares the same highly efficient pathway as silicon, which explains why rice is efficient in arsenic accumulation. 在发现硅酸会干扰亚砷酸盐的摄取之后,这组作者提出,增加土壤中可利用的硅,可能会减少从土壤和浇灌用水到食物链的砷的运输。