- arsenate of leaching [医] 砷酸铅(砷酸钠与醋酸铅的混合水溶液)
- We must be the great arsenal of democracy. 我们必须成为民主的大军火库。
- And, yes, they’ve earned bowl berths in each of Leach’s eight seasons. 是的,他们已经获得一碗泊位在每个利奇的八个赛季。
- The chief weapon in the arsenal of those fighting visual pollution here is a law that restricts the type, size, number and placemen of roadside advertising sign. 治理这里视觉污染的主要武器是通过一项法律,对路旁广告标志的种类、尺寸大小、数量及放置地点予以限制。
- Chemical thinners add another to the arsenal of sprays . 化学疏除剂已列入农药的宝库中。
- The act or process of leaching. 过滤滤去的行为或过程
- She charmed the visitor with the arsenal of her blandishments. 她用无数的甜言蜜语迷住了访客。
- The process of leach ing depends on the seeping and diffusing velocity of leaching agent and resultant. 氧化铜矿石的浸出过程主要受浸出剂与溶出物在矿石中的渗流与扩散速度的影响。
- A mineral, Cu2(AsO4)(OH), a basic arsenate of copper, that is brown, olive green, or gray in color and found in copper deposits. 橄榄铜矿一种矿石,cu2(aso4)(oh),铜的一种基本的碱性砷酸盐或酯,呈褐色、橄榄绿色或灰色,可在铜矿层中找到
- Note:The lengths of suction pipe and air pipe may be different according to different size of leaching tank. 注:吸炭管和空气管的长度因所配浸出槽的规格而异。
- The police found an arsenal of knives and guns in the terrorists' hideout. 警方在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。
- Lateritization of the orebody is not complete and its ability of leaching Si and concentrating Fe, Al is very low. 矿体的红土化作用不彻底,去硅富铁铝能力低,常见高岭石与伊利石共生。
- Based on the study of LEACH, a clustering hierarchy algorithm named cluster heads optimized algorithm was proposed. 摘要基于对LEACH等算法的研究,提出一种传感器网络分簇算法-簇头优化分簇算法。
- The recycle technologies of leaching and calcination combined with leaching for Li-ion battery were introduced. 介绍了锂离子电池的浸出技术以及煅烧与浸出相结合的回收技术。
- The neutralization process for deferrization of leaching liquor has been studied. 文章进行了湿法炼锌过程中氧压酸浸液净化中和除铁的工艺研究。
- The speaker made full use of his arsenal of invective. 演讲者振振有词地大张挞伐.
- The rates of leaching diliquescence and agglomeration of the testec fertilizers are also examined. 包裹厚度对肥分释放速度的影响并检测其淋溶速率,潮解率及结块率。
- This paper made a brief description on the principles of leaching gold by biologicals. 本文简要论述了生物制剂浸金的原理。
- At normal cyaniding, the finer the gold concentrate is ground, the lower gold content of leaching residue. 正常氰化条件下,金精矿磨得愈细,氰化渣含金愈低。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?