- arrest, detain or imprison 逮捕、拘留或监禁
- Reason to detain or to manipulate the market than the more complex. 中英文对照:拘查原因或比操纵市场更复杂。
- In case of the above, the Lessor shall be entitled to detain or forfeit the Deposit and the rent prepaid by the Lessee. 如果发生本条第一款所述情况,甲方有权扣留或没收乙方的押金及预交的租金。
- A Customs officer has exceptionally broad authority to question passengers, search and detain or seize merchandise. 海关关员享有特殊广泛的权力来询问旅客,搜查、扣留或者没收货物。
- No Hong Kong resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention or imprisonment. 香港居民不受任意或非法逮捕、拘留、监禁。
- Sorcery seal is a kind of lock and chains made by sorcery. It is usually used to secure the important thing or imprison the monsters.... 战:封印就是一种法术做成的锁链;通常是用来封存重要的东西或是禁锢魔物...
- No entity or individual may embezzle, misappropriate, privately share, detain or delay in the payment of the compensation fees for expropriation. 任何单位和个人不得贪污、挪用、私分、截留、拖欠征收补偿费等费用。
- No Hong Kong resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest,detention or imprisonment. 香港居民不受任意或非法逮捕、拘留、监禁。
- No Macao resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention or imprisonment. 澳门居民不受任意或非法的逮捕、拘留、监禁。
- No entity or individual may embezzle, misappropriate, privately share, detain or delay in the payment of the compensation fees for requisition. 任何单位和个人不得贪污、挪用、私分、截留、拖欠征收补偿费等费用。
- Tribes did not drug or imprison Bird People, they knew that they were the future healers that would understand the unconscious. 不过部落们并不会给鸟人吃药或者监禁起来,因为他们知道这些是会懂得无意识内容的未来疗愈者。
- Under the environment keeping law and contract,general contractor has the authority to detain or hold up the whole or in part amount due that should pay sub-contractor. 5.;在不损害适用法律或分包合同所规定的任何权利的情况下,总包商有权扣留或暂缓支付总包商应付给分包商的全部或部分到期金额。
- Criminal contempt is crime that is punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. 咆哮公堂是犯罪行为,可处罚金,监禁或并处。
- The act of seizing or capturing; arrest. 逮捕抓获或俘获的行为; 逮捕
- Where the person concerned fails to fulfil his obligations set in the legal document in accordance with the notice of execution, the people's court has the authority to detain or draw from his income an amount equal to his liability. 被执行人未按执行通知履行法律文书确定的义务,人民法院有权扣留、提取被执行人应当履行义务部分的收入。
- The people's court, in deciding to detain or draw from the income, shall make a ruling and issue a notice for assistance in the execution. The banks, credit cooperatives and other savings institutions concerned must comply with the ruling. 人民法院扣留、提取收入时,应当作出裁定,并发出协助执行通知书,被执行人所在单位、银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位必须办理。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Except the registration authority, which may withhold or cancel it in accordance with the legal procedures, no other organ or individual is entitled to take over, detain or destroy it. 除登记主管机关依照法定程序可以扣缴或者吊销外,其他任何单位和个人不得收缴、扣押、毁坏
- The constable stop the car and arrest the driver. 警官使车停住并将司机扣留。
- A defendant who disobeyed could be punished by fine or imprisonment for contempt of court until compliance. 被告如果不遵守判决,将会被处以罚金或因蔑视法庭而被判处入狱,直到其服从为止。