- Keywords polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS);desogestrel;aromatase inhibitor letrozole;clomiphene citrate(CC); 多囊卵巢综合征;地索高诺酮;芳香化酶抑制剂来曲唑;氯米芬;
- A Randomized Double-Blind Comparison of the Effects of Clomiphene Citrate and the Aromatase Inhibitor Letrozole on Ovulatory Function in Normal Women 在正常女性中使用克罗米芬柠檬酸盐和芳香酶抑制剂Letrozole的效果的随机双盲对比实验
- aromatase inhibitor letrozole 芳香化酶抑制荆来曲唑
- As the third generation of aromatase inhibitor,letrozole has been used widely in the sphere of tumor. 来曲唑作为第3代芳香酶抑制剂,已被广泛应用于肿瘤领域。
- This study was designed to induce sex-reversed male phenotype chickens with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, and dihydrotesterone. 本论文用来曲唑、二氢睾酮、来曲唑与二氢睾酮联合处理性别分化前的鸡胚胎,观察对鸡性别分化的影响,探索低剂量来曲唑诱导雄性表型性反转鸡的可行性,探讨二氢睾酮及其与低剂量来曲唑联合处理鸡胚诱导雄性表型性反转鸡的效果,为禽类的性别控制提供参考数据。
- Aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, exemestane, letrozole) block peripheral production of estrogen in postmenopausal women. 芳香酶抑制剂(阿那曲唑、依西美坦、来曲唑)阻断绝经后妇女周围雌激素的产生。
- BMD should be measured in women with chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure and particularly in patients taking aromatase inhibitors (eg, anastrozole, letrozole) (Table 3). 在治疗导致卵巢功能衰竭的妇女和使用芳香酶抑制剂(如阿纳托唑、来曲唑)的患者,骨矿物质密度需要测量。
- Objective:To compare the difference between conventional drug abortion protocol and the same protocol combined with aromatase inhibitor. 目的:比较常规药物流产方案配伍芳香化酶抑制剂与常规药物流产方案的差异性。
- Keywords Letrozole;Aromatase inhibitor;Estradiol;Hysteromyoma;Cell culture; 来曲唑;芳香化酶抑制药;雌二醇;子宫肌瘤;细胞培养;
- Steroidal aromatase inhibitor can inhibit the aromatase activity, interdict the reaction, and inhibit the estrogen formation, so that it can cure the breast cancer. 甾体芳香酶抑制剂能抑制芳香酶活性,阻断芳构化反应,抑制雌激素生成,从而达到治疗乳腺癌的目的。
- Eugene R.Shippen, M.D., and William J.West, Jr.M.D,Successful treatment of severe endometriosis in two premenopausal women with an aromatase inhibitor[J].Fertility and Sterility MAY 2004,81(5):1395. 关铮,李亚里,徐柏郁,等.;对不同手术方法治疗子宫内膜异位症的探讨[J]
- The synthesis of estrogen is catalyzed by aromatase.The female chicken gonads can develop into male when the activity of aromatase is blocked by aromatase inhibitor(AI) before sexual differentiation. 在性分化前用芳香化酶抑制剂(AI)阻断芳香化酶的活性,以抑制雌激素的合成,雌性鸡胚的性腺则可发育成为雄性。
- It is also approved for use in combination with an aromatase inhibitor for the treatment of post-menopausal patients with HER2 and hormone receptor co-positive metastatic breast cancer. 赫赛汀还被批准联合芳香化酶抑制剂用于HER2和激素受体双阳性的绝经后转移性乳腺癌患者。
- Aromatase inhibitors, such as aminoglutethimide and anastrozole, work in a different way to lower estrogen leels. 氨鲁米特和阿那曲唑作为芳香酶抑制剂是通过另一途径来降低雌激素。
- The musculoskeletal complaints common to aromatase inhibitors can be addressed with NSAID pain relievers. 芳香酶抑制剂常见的肌和骨骼的主诉能够通过非甾体抗炎药来处理。
- Unlike tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors do not cause menopausal symptoms, but they may increase risk of osteoporosis. 与三苯氧胺不同的是,芳香抑制剂不会引起绝经期症状,但可增加骨质疏松症危险。
- Several large-scale clinical trials about aromatase inhibitors and medical ovarian ablation are ongoing and attract attention widely. 芳香化酶抑制剂及药物去势等多个大型的临床研究还正在进行并备受关注。
- The results of ongoing studies "should inform us whether bisphosphonates can be used to preent bone loss due to aromatase inhibitors," he added. 他还补充说,目前研究尚未结束,其最终结果“将会告诉我们二膦酸盐类药物是否能够用于预防芳香酶抑制剂引起的骨盐丢失。”
- Aromatase inhibitors are superior to tamoxifen in postmenopausal patients, and preclinical data suggest that zoledronic acid has antitumor properties. 芳香酶抑制剂在绝经后患者中优于他莫昔芬,且临床前数据表明唑来膦酸具有抗肿瘤特性。
- Concern has been raised that phytoestrogens may interfere with selective estrogen receptor modulators and aromatase inhibitors. 植物性雌激素可能和选择性的雌激素受体调节剂及芳香酶抑制剂相互作用,从而引起人们的关注。