- Brennan often finds herself teamed with Special Agent Seely Booth, a former Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comes to solving crimes. 你好,我揭发了无良淘宝奸商程家星的无耻行径,如果你也上当过,请帮我把帖子顶起来,让更多网友看到,避免以后再有网友上当受骗。
- Brennan often finds herself teamed with Special Agent Seely Booth , a former Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comes to solving crimes. 最后是我们的FEI special agent Booth同学,之前在军队中是狙击手,哈,枪法没的说。很喜欢这个人物,很照顾不太会除人际关系和社会关系的女主。
- Snipers shot at the invaders from the roof tops. 狙击手从房顶上向侵略者射击。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol. 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队。
- The sniper snapped off six rapid shots. 狙击手迅速地连放了六枪。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- Her aim was to become a sniper in the army. 她的目标是成为部队中的狙击手。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- He lied about his age to join the army. 他为了参军谎报了年龄。
- He's an army sergeant. he needs a loud voice. 他是个好军人。他需要有大嗓门。
- That morning they all had on their army uniform. 那天早上他们都穿上了军服。
- The army encamped outside the walls. 军队在城墙外面扎下了营。
- The army harried the enemy's border. 军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。
- The army has set up road blocks round the city. 军队在城市周围设置了路障。
- The army is auctioning off a lot of old equipments. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉。